Summer Term

Crossley Street's Field Guide

Crossley Street's Field Guide!

As part of our classification topic in Science, we undertook some research in our school grounds to identify all of the plants, animals and other living things that we could find! Once we'd done our research, we created our very own field guide.

If you'd like to look at the biodiversity that we have in our school grounds, Scan the QR code!

Vegetable patch!

During the Spring term we planted some seeds in our raised beds - our radishes have already grown and been harvested! Some of them were huge!

LUFC Primary Choices Workshop!

We took part in a PSHE workshop with the Leeds Unitd Foundation which looked at the importance of making the right choices!

Self-defence classes!

We've been taking part in a self-defence workshop during the Summer term working on some key karate skills, as well as keeping fit and active! 

We've learnt some really valuable skills and have had loads of fun at the whilst doing it!

Virtual Reality Workshop!

As a hook for our future Science topic on the human body, we had a virtual reality workshop which looked at all of the different systems found in the human body!

It took some getting used to, but it was amazing to see the systems from a different perspective! 


As part of our Science topic, we looked at the different categories of microorganisms!

To show what we'd learnt, we created Pic-Collages to summarise the key characteristics of some of those microorganisms!

The biggest difference between bacteria and viruses is that bacteria are living things , whereas Viruses are not!