Autumn Term

⚔️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿The Knights Templar🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿⚔️.MOV

History: Knight's Templar Documentaries!

As part of our local history study, we did some research on the Knights Templar, who played an important part in Wetherby's history. We've produced documentaries on what we've learnt - here's an example of one that the children put together!

Spofforth Castle:

As part of our local History study, we took a walk following the old Railway line track and visited Spofforth Castle. We re-enacted the Civil War battle that took place and found some interesting facts about the Percy Family, discovering that they had strong links to the Knights Templar (responsible for starting our famous market) and William the Conqueror (who we will be learning more about in our Crime and Punishment topic)!

Working with the Wetherby Civic Society:

On Monday 3rd October we were given a guided tour by the WCS, who showed us around key historical locations in our community. We visited the 17th century Georgian Baths, the historic Shambles as well as the first school room ever made in Wetherby (which was actually below the courthouse in the town hall)!

Autumn's P.E. 

Over the last few weeks we've been polishing our netball skills with the help of our Leeds Rhinos coach! We've been working particularly hard at improving our spatial awareness to improve our defending; it's also a skill we can apply to other sports too!

The Invisible:

Week 5's moral message was 'I can improve the world around me'. Across school we've been looking at 'The Invisible' written by Tom Percival which looks at how making a small difference can improve the world around you. We've been discussing what we're grateful for, as well as things that we may take for granted to help us reflect on what we can do to improve the bubble around us!

Our community:

Once we'd finished our PSHE topic book 'The Invisible' we thought a lot about what a community is and who makes up our community. We came up with a wide range of people, services and places that made up ours and considered what it might be like to be 'in their shoes' for the day.

We then looked at what we could do to make a difference: we spoke about helping food banks, donating to charity shops and even discussed how we could support our local shops, restaurants and cafes!

D-Side Visit!

This week we had D-Side come into school for a visit to talk to Year 6. We spoke about the different risks that different drugs, both legal and illegal pose. The children had some fantastic questions for Dave and even got to try on some of his 'special glasses' to get an even greater understanding of some of the risks they pose. This linked in really well with our current PSHE topic, all about identifying risks and making the right choices. 

Sikhism in R.E.

To finish their Sikhism topic with Mrs Davis this term, the children in Year 6 provided a 'Langar' for children in Year 4 and 5. They made and prepared food which they then shared with the rest of Year 4 and 5. It was a great way to finish our topic off and to get a real hands on understanding of how Sikhs give back to their community!!