The Battle of  Bannockburn  - Amblard

23rd and 24th of June 1314!

King Edward II

The English king lost this battle and Edward the 2nd escaped the battle and ran through the river with his body-guard. 

Robert the bruce 

Robert the Bruce was the king of the Scottish army. he used the land to win against a army three times bigger army. The English lost this battle and the Scottish army took back Stirling castle.

Where and when did it happen?

The battle of Bannockburn happened in Stirling the battle started on the 23rd of June 1314 and ended on the 24th of June 1314. The Battle of Bannockburn was the first of battle of the Scottish war of independence.

How did it affect Wetherby?

The battle affected Wetherby , it was burnt to the ground and many people were killed and taken. The River Wharfe also ran red! Multiple towns in Yorkshire were also affected because Edward II left the north undefended.


They used special fighting formations such as the porcupine, each of their spears was one quill.

.They tricked Edward by using regular people as army men to be more intimidating.

They were tactical by smartly using the terrain around them as cover and slowly pushing them in the river.

Why did the battle happen?

The battle started because the Scots wanted to be an independent and they could if they just fought for the last the last castle called Stirling castle, so Robert the Bruce ambushed Edward II and won.

King Edward the II army

There were 20,000 - 25,000 men in their army.There were 3 times as many English soldiers as Scottish soldiers.

Robbert the Bruce army

There were 5,000 - 8,000 men in their army.

Scots Lane.

Scottish civilians would travel along this road with their cattle to go to the market and sell their contents  and other goods, however Scottish soldiers would come to pillage and raid (this happened more than others).