Crivitz Academic & Career Planning

Academic & Career Planning

Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and cultivate their own unique and information-based visions for post secondary success, obtained through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career management and planning skills. 

Graduation Requirement

Starting with the class of 2018, we've introduced the ACP portfolio. This portfolio will not only earn students 0.25 elective credit but also open doors to a world of opportunities!

We designed this requirement with student growth and success in mind. It's a chance for students to showcase their amazing academic work, discover their strengths, and set meaningful goals for the future. We firmly believe that what students achieve in high school has a direct impact on their future opportunities, and this portfolio will help them understand that connection.

The journey with the portfolio begins in freshman year during dedicated ACP (Academic and Career Planning) time. Students meet twice a week with assigned mentors, our dedicated faculty, who will guide students throughout their high school years. Building strong relationships with the mentors will create a solid foundation for students to achieve their goals.

We want every single student to become responsible and successful graduates of Crivitz School District. By completing this portfolio, students will enter adulthood with essential knowledge, skills, and motivation. Moreover, students will have a self-directed plan for their future career and lifelong success.

Remember, this is an essential part of our graduation requirements. We're here to support students every step of the way. If a student faces challenges completing the portfolio, we'll work together with the student, their parents, ACP mentor, school counselor, and principal to develop a plan that ensures student success.

Final Portfolio Presentation & Reflection Paper

As part of the portfolio requirements, each senior is expected to participate in this culminating event, representing a significant milestone in your educational endeavor.

During this distinguished presentation, students will have the opportunity to highlight their comprehensive portfolio before a distinguished panel. This panel will consist of two esteemed individuals, including potential representatives from the school board, business owners, respected community members, reputable college and technical college representatives, and our ACP mentors. Additionally, we extend a warm welcome to students’ family members, who may be present as attentive audience members to witness their child’s remarkable achievements, though not serving as reviewers.

To ensure students' utmost success and preparedness, students will engage in collaboration with their dedicated ACP mentor teacher. During the allocated ACP time, the ACP mentor will provide essential guidance and direction to refine students’ final presentation, ensuring a professional delivery.

Following the conclusion of the students’ presentation, they will receive immediate feedback from the ACP panel. This feedback will serve as invaluable insights, propelling students continued growth and future endeavors towards even greater success.

In addition to the presentation, students will be required to compose a reflection paper. The purpose of this paper is to contemplate and summarize both their academic and co-curricular experiences during their high school experience. Through this reflection, students will discern pertinent connections to their future. Guidance and direction for creating the reflection paper will be scheduled during ACP time of senior year.

ACP Staff Role & Professional Development

Crivitz High School staff play a pivotal role in shaping the academic and career plans of high school students. They are actively involved in various aspects, including:

1. Academic Guidance: High school teachers and counselors provide valuable advice and support to students, helping them select appropriate courses, set academic goals, and identify areas for improvement.

2. Career Counseling: School staff, particularly career counselors, assist students in exploring various career options, providing information about potential career paths, required qualifications, and job opportunities.

3. Individualized Support: High school staff work closely with students to understand their unique interests, strengths, and challenges. They offer personalized attention, tailored recommendations, and targeted interventions to ensure each student's success.

4. College Preparation: Teachers and counselors guide students through the college application process, offering insights on college admission requirements, standardized tests, and scholarships.

5. Academic Monitoring: School staff continuously monitor students' academic progress and performance, identifying any issues early on and providing necessary support or interventions.

6. Skill Development: High school staff organize activities to enhance students' soft skills, leadership abilities, and critical thinking capabilities.

7. Mentorship: Teachers and other staff members often serve as mentors, fostering positive relationships and providing guidance to help students navigate their academic and career choices.

8. Collaborating with Parents: High school staff regularly communicate with parents to keep them informed about their child's progress, challenges, and achievements. They work together to ensure students receive the necessary support both at school and home.

Overall, Crivitz High School staff plays a proactive role in creating a conducive learning environment, empowering students to explore their passions, set meaningful goals, and develop a well-informed academic and career plan for their future success. Crivitz School District partners with CESA 8 to make sure staff is properly trained with the most up-to-date information.