Winter Intramurals

Winter 2024

New team opportunity! We will meet 2 days per week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) from 3:15-4:15 after school. The season will begin January 9th and go until March 6th. We will offer fitness training/weight training in the Fitness Room and recreational game opportunities in the Field House. Both locations are in the War Memorial Building. Anyone interested is welcome! Please register at

Registration Requirements are as follows:

1.) Physical Exam There must be a copy of your child’s last physical exam dated within the last 13 months on file in the Athletic Office. At the present time, all updated physical exam documentation or inquires on current status must be emailed to 

2.) Vaccination- Fully Vaccinated and Up to Date CPS is requiring all students who wish to participate in extracurricular activities to be fully vaccinated and up to date by the first in-person activity of the semester. This means that students must be vaccinated and boostered (if eligible). If you receive your vaccination or booster in Massachusetts, you do not need to upload your vaccination card. If you are vaccinated out-of-state or internationally, or wish to request an exemption from this requirement, please visit the CPS Family Portal ( 

3.) Concussion Course & Implicit Bias Education Videos Student athletes must watch both the online Concussion Course and the Implicit Bias Videos. These courses are available at where you will create a profile to complete each. These courses are free and must be completed once per school year. The certification of completion must be emailed to