PAUS Library
Welcome to the PAUS Library!
We opened our doors in December 2015 and the PAUS Library has shaped into a thriving, shared space that is wonderful to visit. If you care to check out a book, use a computer, talk with a PAUS teacher, interventionist or librarian, play a game with a friend, or find a quiet space to do your work, you have chosen the right place to be!
After living and breathing in this bright, sunny space for over three years, we have seen numerous types of activities taking place here. There's been students who visit the space for silent reading, and some who need to return a book and find a new one. Two reading interventionists operate from the offices within the library space, which is welcoming to students and inviting for developing literacy. Putnam Avenue also hosts its monthly staff meetings within the Learning Commons as it is large and expansive to accommodate our ever-growing staff.
Our Mission
The School Library Media Specialists’ mission is to support the educational and informational needs of our patrons by encouraging inquiry, offering equitable access to all resources, engaging in literary discourse, imparting professional development and technical assistance, and providing a warm space where any learner can visit and feel welcome.
Contact information
Marianne Bees
Librarian & Technology Specialist
Putnam Avenue Upper School
100 Putnam Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617.349.7780
Hours of Operation:
- Open M - F | 8:30AM - 3:15PM
Technical Services:
If you have a technical issue, please email the help desk at
Be sure to include:
- In subject line: school name & room #
- In body of message: technical problem you're experiencing
Hrs: 8AM - 3:30PM
Roles of the School Library Media Specialist
With the goal of preparing digital natives for the 21st century workforce, the skills and responsibilities of educators have increased. This is especially true for the School Library Media Specialist (SLMS) who navigates between five roles each day. The American Association of School Librarians (2009) has designated these roles as Leader, Teacher, Instructional Partner, Information Specialist, and Program Administrator. They are further illustrated as follows:
- The school librarian serves as a leader in implementing quality instruction and creating authentic learning experiences. (American Library Association, 2009, p.19)
- As teacher, the school librarian empowers students to become critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information. (American Library Association, 2009, p.18)
- As instructional partner, school librarians co-design, co-implement, and co-evaluate interdisciplinary lessons and units of instruction that result in increased student learning... The school librarian guides instructional design by working with the classroom teacher to establish learning objectives and goals, and by implementing assessment strategies before, during, and after assigned units of study. (American Library Association, 2009, p. 17)
- As an information specialist, the school librarian uses technology tools to supplement school resources, assist in the creation of engaging learning tasks, connect the school with the global learning community, communicate with students and classroom teachers at any time, and provide 24-7 access to library services. (American Library Association, 2009, p.17)
- As program administrator, the school librarian promotes collaboration amongst teachers, students and the community to be lifelong users and producers of ideas and information. (American Library Association, 2009, p. 19)
American Library Association. (2009). Empowering learners: Guidelines for school library media programs. Chicago, IL.: American Association of School Librarians.