Grab and Go Book Checkout

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The CRLS Library Grab and Go program allows students and staff to pick up and return print library books at the high school.

How Grab and Go Book Checkout Works:

CRLS Grab and Go Checkout (Visual Guide)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many books can I borrow and for how long?

A: You can borrow as many books as you would like and keep them for 6 weeks.

Q: Can I borrow books to read over the summer?

A: Yes! You can borrow as many books as you would like and keep them during the summer months. The deadline to put books on hold for the summer is June 21st. You can put books on hold through the CRLS Library's Grab and Go Book Checkout program. The books will be due when we return to school in September.

Q: Who can pick up the books I put on hold?

A: You, sibling, parent, caregiver, neighbor, friend, etc.

Q: What if I can't pick up my book right away?

A: If you need a few days before you can get your book, don’t worry! The book will be available for pickup for 2 weeks.

Q: What do I need to bring with me to pick up my book?

A: Just a mask! You do not need a school ID or any other form of ID. Just show up.

Have questions? Email the library teachers:

Ms. Boninti:

Ms. Houston:

Pickup Table

Library Book Return

bin at CRLS