Scratch Week
May 17-23, 2021

Thank you to our students, teachers, and contributors for participating in our live virtual celebration on 5/26!

Check back soon for a captioned recording of the virtual event.

1. Create or Remix a Project

Visit the Scratch Week Website for themes and ideas.

Keep your project educationally-focused (no fighting/violent games and projects).

*If you are creating a new Scratch account, make sure you have your grownups sign this Media Release/Consent Form

New to Scratch?

Try this Getting Started project!

2. Share your Scratch Week project(s) with us

Scratch projects already shared with our Google Form will be shown during our Live Virtual Celebration on 5/26!

Make sure you have permissions from your grownups before sharing your project. Here's the Media Release/Consent Form for sharing.

How to Share Directions

Remember, keep your project educationally-focused (no fighting/violent games and projects).

3. Participate in our own Live Celebration (Zoom) on Wednesday, May 26,
6:00 - 7:00 PM

Check back soon for a captioned recording of the virtual event.