Grades PreK-2

What activities can I try?

View all Hour of Code Activities on the CSEdWeek Website

Listen to a Story

How to Code a Sandcastle

read by
Rohan Kundargi

K-12 Community Outreach Administrator
Office of Government & Community Relations
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

How to Code a Rollercoaster

read by
Ted Downing

CRLS Class of 2014

Program Coordinator
The Job Connector by MIT

Grace Hopper:
Queen of Computer Code


read by
Caley Allen

Education and Diversity Programs Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Hola Ruby. La aventura de programar

read by
Sebastian Ruiz-Samojluk
7th Grade Student

Olaia Sauri Domingo
6th Grade Student

Javier Gonzalez-Pisano
Instructional Technology Specialist and Math Interventionist

Hello Ruby:
Journey Inside the Computer


read by
Samantha Farrell

Assistant to the Director
MIT.nano Lab

Doll-E 1.0

ready by
Junardy Jean-Charles

Program Development Administrator

The Job Connector by MIT

Watch a Video

I wonder.. how my smartphone knows how to use a filter I wonder.. What travels inside the wires of my computer? I wonder.. Why does this computer part look like a tiny city?

Ask your friends, family members or neighbors what kind of questions they have and compare them with your questions. What did you notice? Did the grownups have answers for any of your questions? Probably not. Don’t worry. It takes curiosity to work things out.

Computers are all around us, but what really makes a computer, a computer? Explore the history of computers and the features they all share.

"One of the first programmers of the Mark I, developer of the first compiler, and grandmother of COBOL, Grace made huge strides as a pioneering woman in male-dominated computing fields!"