Computer Science Education Week &

Hour of Code

December 6-12, 2021

CSEdWeek 2021 - Student Contest Winners and Entries

What is Computer Science Education Week?

It's a chance for ANYONE to learn how to code.

"Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual program dedicated to inspiring K-12 students to take interest in computer science."

"CSEdWeek is held in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906).”


Why is important?

Coding provides students opportunities to flex their computational thinking muscles. From the Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science Framework: "Computational thinking is a problem solving process that requires people to think in new ways to enable effective use of computing to solve problems and create solutions."

Everyone should have the chance to see themselves as a computer programmer, not just those who have more opportunities. Providing access to computer science during the school day helps more students see themselves as successful creators of technology programs, not just consumers.

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Girls can code, too!

Help increase the representation of women in high school classes, college courses, and in computer science jobs across all fields.