Week of 4/6/20

Monday - Science. Go to Brainpopjr.com and view the video "Life Cycle of a Butterfly" Try the easy or hard quiz. Additional worksheets will be sent home individually. IXL.com Science Level D, Section J, #5 has some more information about Butterflies.

Tuesday - Social Studies. Brainpopjr.com George Washington Video. Worksheets will also be emailed directly. IXL.com Social Studies Level D, Section D #4 is about the Washington Monument.

Wednesday- Reading. Scholastic.com find the article "Recycle That Gum" read complete activities and accompanying worksheets.

Spelling Week 29.

Thursday- Math. Individual worksheets have been sent home via email.

Friday- Recreational Reading - Try to find some time for parents and students to read together. If you are observing a holiday try to find some time over the weekend. Whatever is interesting or enjoyable. Feel free to write me about what you have read. Enjoy the weekend.

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