Period 1 Podcasts

Aunt Elsy to the Rescue!.mp3

The Dangers of Littering in your Neighborhood 

We were inspired to do this podcast because by our neighborhood there is a lot of garbage and most of it is dangerous. For example, there are syringes, cigars, and pieces of glass.  This doesn't make our neighborhood a safe place and parents can't leave their kids outside without worrying about their safety.

My name is Ian Bernabe I am 13 years old and was born in Chicago, IL. I want to become an Archaeologist.

My name is Jairo. I am 14 and in 8th grade. I live in Chicago.

 Aunt Elsy to the Rescue! 

 I was inspired to talk about community heroes because when I walk down the street and see homelessness I see little to no people trying to help those individuals. When people listen to my podcast I hope to inspire them to do the right thing even if they might not get anything in return. I want people to remember that you don´t need to get anything in return for doing the right thing, sometimes all you can get is the feeling of happiness.

 I´m Yadira Rubio, 14 years old born in Chicago. I like music and art, I hope to one day become a software engineer. 

School Uniform Issues Podcast (2).mp3

School Uniform Issues     

I was inspired to create this podcast from having some experience myself including my friends. Having it impacts others who have gone through those moments too. I want people to remember that they could speak up about their personal problems in school, in order for teachers and staff to get your perspective.  

 Jenni - I'm a 14-year-old living in Chicago. I'm Mexican & American. I do Folklorico & Martial Arts.  

Across the street (1).mp3

 Across The Street 

I was inspired to chose my topic because most of the time when I went outside I'd see Maria outside sitting and waiting, later on I started to get more curious about her so I decided to make her my topic. The impact I want my podcast to have on others is to show that many people struggle with problems that might not be big to others but it might be really impacting the person going through the problem and to show that people only start helping when others start to address the issue. 

 My name is Emily, I am 14 years old, I'm really into astrology and I'm Mexican-American, I live in Chicago and I hope to learn more about astrology in the future. 

Walmart Podcast.mp3

 Southside Walmarts of Chicago 

I was inspired to create this podcast by one of my teachers, Ms. Lambro, who while in class said something about my topic which made me think more and more about why and how people are stealing from Walmarts. 

Nathan, a teenage boy who cares about his city and wants to find out possible solutions for the problems in the city of Chicago.

 Ethan is a 14 year old boy who lives in Chicago and LOVES soccer.

Inflation at Board!_The impact that Inflation has had in the Belmont Community in Chicago_.mp3

The impact that Inflation has had on The Belmont Cragin Community in Chicago 

I was inspired to make this podcast on the topic of Inflation because it was affecting me when I was trying to buy small stuff like snacks, and the increase in prices for my parents. And the times when there were less food to eat and how many struggles I felt was something that had to be talked about.

 Rosmeri -Age 14, I am an 8th grader in Chicago, who loves Mexican/American Culture and food! I Like to draw, play outside,  and learn about Automotive Engineering.

A Immigrant Mom Overcome Story and Trying To Find a Better Life .mp3

 An Immigrant Mom's Story of Overcoming and Finding a Better Life  

 I was inspired to do this podcast because I want people to hear how immigrant stories matter because that's where most of our family is from and they struggle a lot to come from all the way over in Mexico so I feel like we need to hear those stories. I want people to understand and remember to keep it in memory and to hear their family that has been with them since they were born. 

My name is Ryan. I am 14 years old and I live in Chicago, IllInois.  I'm Hispanic and American.  I like to do ride my bike, play sports such as soccer, basketball and football and I like to be on my phone daily.

8th Graders sterssing and overworked podcast .mp3

 8th Graders Stressing and Overworked  

When people listen to my podcast I want them to not get overworked and to not stress too much, 

 I'm Elena Ramirez.  I'm in 8th grade I'm 14 years old I'm  Puerto-Rican. My hobbies are dancing, riding my bike my. In my future, I hope to become a surgeon.

homelessness Podcast Ian D and Kevin

Homeless People 

I was inspired to do this project because I see a lot of homeless people in the streets and I had to talk about it and to help the homeless people or at least help them.

Our names are Kevyn and Ian. We are 14 years old and we live in Chicago. Our culture is Mexican and we like to ride bikes a lot. In the future, we want to be a businessman and a doctor.

Deeper look into gang violence

A Deeper Look Into Gang Violence

I was inspired to do this project by the percentage of students that are affiliated with a gang the percentage being 9% then 17% say they had belonged to a gang at some point in their lives. I would like young people or students to know that there are other ways to belong to society instead of being affiliated.

I'm Nathan Rivera I'm 13 I go to Prieto Math and Science academy in Chicago and I'm Mexican American.  I'm Maurisio Villegas and I am 13. I go to Prieto in Chicago and I am half Mexican and half American. One of my partners on this project is  Daniel Felix. He is  13 and also goes to Prieto Math And Science Academy. He is Mexcian American as well. 


Let's talk a Bit about Immigration 

I was inspired to make this  podcast because I was looking through TikTok and I came across this video where a man was mistreated because he didn't know English.

I'm Drew and I'm 14 years old, in 8th grade, and I live in Chicago.


Police Brutality Issues

I was inspired to speak about this topic because my brother had an experience with police brutality like many other people I know and heard of. I personally don’t feel like it’s talked about enough, and how serious it is. And with this podcast I hope to make even a small bit of change.

I’m Thaly and I am 14 years old. I live in Chicago. I like helping when I can and I aspire to be a sonographer.