LINK Unlimited Scholars


  • Looking for Black students with a strong academic background who are committed to their schools and community, want to have a mentor, and who are college bound. Students must be motivated to succeed and have good moral character.

  • Provides a partial scholarship for private school attendance and many opportunities for both private and public high school students, including academic enrichment, access to college and career help, a mentor, summer programs, personal development, and volunteer opportunities, but must attend one of their partner schools.

  • The private school application (which includes a scholarship) has a processing fee that families must pay. The public school application is free.

  • Students must respond to several short answer questions (50-100 words each) and three essays (200-300 words each). Families must respond to several essay questions (200-300 words each).

  • Families must also provide financial information. Scholarships are typically awarded to families with 80% or less of Chicago Area Medium Income (AMI) (around $70,000 a year).

  • Students need recommendations from their English teacher, math teacher, and an administrator.