Get Involved

Volunteering is love in motion.

-author unknown

​There are many ways--small and large, during school and after school--to support Goethe students and staff. We deeply appreciate the volunteers who "fill our buckets" and serve as role models for us all.

At School

There are many activities and events throughout the year requiring parental assistance, including field trips, community outreach drives, class activities, and school-wide events such as concerts and assemblies. Recess and lunchroom volunteers are always greatly appreciated. Please speak with your child’s teacher about volunteer opportunities in his/her class and be sure to fill out a volunteer registration form with Carlos at the Security Desk.

Local School Council (LSC)

Goethe’s LSC is comprised of elected parents, teacher and community representatives who play a role in decision-making at the local school level. Monthly LSC meetings are an opportunity for parents to learn about what is happening at the school and offer suggestions and assistance. Goethe's LSC usually meets on the second Thursday of the month at 6pm. Please see the calendar for the schedule or click here to learn more. The meetings are open to everyone in the Goethe Community. We encourage all to attend the LSC meetings.

Bilingual Advisory & No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Committee

At these monthly meetings, school and community professionals provide parents with strategies to guide students through their education at all levels. In addition, parents choose the monthly educational topics of interest to them. They bring in speakers each month on the topics chosen. This is the parent forum where opportunities for learning and friendships come together. We strongly encourage parents to attend these meetings and be a vital part of the parent network at Goethe. We need you.

This is for all parents regardless of your child’s age or grade. Join with other parents to build a network that serves your needs. All monthly meeting topics are of the parent’s choosing. This opportunity is open to all parents.


Fundraising efforts provide valuable resources for Goethe’s art and music programs, after-school activities, and physical improvements such as the playground and auditorium renovations. Parent volunteers can help by collecting Box Tops for Education and joining Target’s Red Card and Amazon Smile programs, which all donate a percentage of purchases back to Goethe. We also welcome donations of goods such as art supplies or plants for the playground and gardens.

Friends of Goethe School (FOGS)

FOGS is comprised of parents, friends, and neighbors working together to support Goethe Elementary. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that sponsors several fund-raising events a year and an annual pledge drive to supplement the public dollars Goethe receives. FOGS goal is to raise enough money to keep class sizes low and add enrichment programs to the school. For more information, please visit the FOGS WEBSITE.

Health and Wellness Team

LearnWELL is a CPS initiative to promote improved health and academic performance of all students as well as build a healthier school environment. To support this effort, each CPS school has a Health and Wellness Team comprised of school staff, students, families, and the community at large. If you are interested in becoming an active member of this team, make your interest known.

Parent Volunteering Guidelines | Reglas para padres voluntarios

We ask that all volunteers who visit our school abide by the following guidelines:

Pedimos que todo voluntario que visite nuestra escuela siga las siguientes reglas:

  1. Sign in and out at the security desk during each visit. Firmar a la llegada y salida con la persona de seguridad.

  2. Report to the location without interrupting other instruction. Reportarse al lugar designado sin interrumpir las clases.

  3. Report on time because the teacher and students are counting on you. Llegar a tiempo ya que la maestra(o) y los estudiantes cuentan con su ayuda.

  4. Call the office if you need to cancel your volunteer day. Llamar a la oficina si necesita cancelar su visita.

  5. Be discreet. Treat all information as confidential. Refrain from sharing student/school information outside of the school setting. Sea discreto/a. Toda informaciónde la escuela es confidencial. No comparta información con personas fuera de la escuela.

  6. Remember the teacher is in charge–you may need to adjust to the classroom policies and climate in each situation. Recuerde que la maestra(o) esta encargada del salón de clase y como voluntario tendra que ajustarse al ambiente y polizas de la clase.

  7. Remember a volunteer is never considered a substitute for a member of the school staff. Recuerde que un voluntario no es considerado sustituto del maestro.