SEL Supports @ Brooks

SEL Days

Every other week, the counseling team meets with students who are struggling academically or emotionally for a check in with their counselor. Students receive a pass from class and a google calendar invitation for these meetings.

Counselor Appointments

Students can arrange an appointment with their counselor by sending them an email or signing up via an appointment calendar. Students are also welcome to drop by during their lunch period to meet with a counselor.

Small Groups

Throughout the year the counseling department runs small groups for students. Her are some examples of past groups:

    • Social Skills Group
    • Coping with Grief Group
    • Anger Management
    • Lets Talk About It
    • Girls Success

Behavioral Health Team (BHT)

The counseling department is on the Behavioral Health Team. This team consists of all of the student services on campus: Counselors, Deans, Social Workers, and Admin. If a student is having a really difficult time being successful at Brooks in multiple domains: Attendance, Social/Emotional, or Academic.