National English Honor Society

Welcome to Newnan High School National English Honor Society's Second Year!


The National English Honor Society (NEHS) recognizes the academic accomplishments of America’s high school students and promotes their continuing interest in the English language arts. NEHS is the only high school honor society exclusively for students of English. As such, it provides a unique opportunity to engage students, teachers, and local schools in the valuable experience of discipline-related national honor-society participation.

  The Mission  Statement of NEHS is to:

Announcing the Publication of The Phoenix

Newnan High School student authors and artists are beautifully featured in this full color competitive literary magazine.

Thanks to our patrons: Coweta Community Foundation, The Blackwell Trust, NEHS National Grants and Coweta-Fayette EMC for your support.

To order copies of The Phoenix, please order through our SchoolPay link:

NEHS Co-Advisors Ms. Carrie debilzan and Ms. Jamie Rambo

As educators and lovers of literature, we believe in the power of words to ignite our imaginations, challenge our perspectives, and bring people together. That is why we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new literary magazine, The Phoenix, as the heart of the Order of the Oreinos Leon, Newnan High School’s charter chapter of the National English Honor Society. It is a testament to our commitment to fostering creativity and collaboration among the talented artists and writers here at Newnan High School.

The Phoenix  Reveal Party, July 17, 2023

The Phoenix

The Phoenix represents the spirit of resilience, rebirth, and transformation. Just like the mythical bird, we aim to rise from the ashes and create something beautiful, something that will inspire, provoke thought, and spark conversations.  This literary magazine is not just a collection of written works and artistic expressions, but a platform that unites individuals with diverse talents, backgrounds, and perspectives. It is a space where we can share our creativity, our stories, and our unique voices. The Phoenix is not just a magazine—it is a community, a family. We are here to support and uplift each other, to learn from one another, and to create something truly extraordinary.  We have been excited to witness the birth of The Phoenix and to see it spread its wings and take flight. Congratulations to the NEHS charter class of 2023 as well as all the NHS students who are represented in this first edition!

Remembering Our Heritage...

 National English Honor Society: Induction & Senior Honor's Night, Monday, 15 May 2023

Future Events...

Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - Anatomy of a Joke: The Rhetoric of Humor - UWG Newnan Center - 6:30 p.m. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - Discovering Mannerism - UWG Newnan Center - 6:30 p.m. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - From Mourning Veils to Veiled Mourning: American Memorial Customs, UWG Newnan Center - 6:30 p.m. 

Tuesday, November 28 - Charles Dickens, Our Christmas Ghost, UWG Newnan Center - 6:30 p.m. 


National English Honor Society
National English Honor Society 

 "The Other Night School" Literary Lectures at University of West Georgia

Elena Passerelo Blackwell Prize-Winning Author of Animals Strike Curious Poses