
Classroom Activities

Winter 2020

Lend a Hand

Let's celebrate all the ways we can show kindness to others. The book "Lend a Hand" by John Frank is a collection of poems and pictures that highlight so many ways we show kindness to our friends, family, and neighbors. How do you show kindness to others?

This activity is broken down into 3 parts: Read, Create, Share

Step 1 - Read

  1. Watch the video to listen to the reading of "Lend a Hand" by John Frank, illustrated by London Ladd.

  2. Think about what to word kindness means to you.

  3. In what ways to others show you kindness?

  4. How do you show/demonstrate kind acts to others?

Step 2 - Create

Next, let's create some "Lend a Hand" art!

Using some paper & drawing materials, trace your hand and decorate it with words, pictures or both ways you show kindness to others. We can all lend a hand to others! No act of kindness is too small - from a welcoming smile or sharing with siblings.

Step 3 - Share

Add your Lend a Hand art to our digital mural!

  1. Log in to your Seesaw Art Classroom from Clever.

  2. Snap a photo of your hand art & save!

  3. Mrs. Vallejo will create a digital ELEM Kindness mural to celebrate all the kind acts our students do for others!

Fall 2020

Names are Important

It is important to know how to pronounce each other's name - since there is only one you! Let us learn about the beauty and diversity of names and by reading a book together called "Your Name is a Song." Words written by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow, pictures by Luisa Uribe.

This activity is broken down into 3 parts: Read, Create, Show & Share

Step 1 - Read

  1. Watch the video to listen to the reading of "Your Name is a Song" by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow.

  2. Think about how you would teach someone how you would like your name pronounced.

    • What does it rhyme with?

    • Can you break your name up into smaller words?

  3. Now, practice teaching someone else how to say your name.

    • Why do you think learning how to pronounce someone else's name important?

Name Art Overview

Step 2 - Create

Next, let's create some art using your name!

Need some inspiration? Check out the slideshow to learn about some artists who create art with letters and words.

Step 3 - Show & Share

Now it's time to share your artwork! Find someone you'd like to share your artwork with and answer the following questions:

  • Describe your artwork? What would you call this project?

  • How did you create your artwork? What materials/colors did you use?

  • Who or what inspired your artwork? What does your artwork show others?

  • What was the goal of this artwork? What do you want others to learn about you from your project?

  • Did you learn anything new when creating this artwork?