Core Exercises


Directions: You can do your planks with your legs straight or your knees bent to make it easier. Hold yourself up on your elbows and try to keep your back and bottom flat like a table. Hold it for as long as you can! Try to get to 30 seconds! Do it 3 times.

Knee Push Ups

Directions: On hands and knees, with your back and bottom flat like a table, push your body up and try to get your arms straight. Do 10 push ups, 2 times!

Dead Bug

Directions: Hold this position for 30 seconds OR Hold this position 30 seconds while continuously moving your arms and legs, 2 times!

Leg Lifts

Directions: Lying on your back, lift one leg as high as you can but keep your knee straight! Do 10 times on each leg. 2 sets!

Try not to let your stomach and hips wiggle around, the only thing that should move is your leg!

Bird Dog

Directions: Get on your hands and knees. Straighten out your arm and opposite leg while keeping your back flat like a table. Then do the other arm and leg. Do this 10 times, 2 sets!


Directions: Lay on your back and bend your knees. Push through your feet and push up your bottom. Remember, push your bottom up all the way to make yourself flat like a table. Do this 10 times, 2 sets!