Pupil premium trips and visits support

Financial support for trips and visits

Trips and visits

Trips and visits are a re really important part of our offer at Costello, and we try to make them as accessible as possible to all our students.

For those students who are classed are Pupil Premium, including service children we may be able to offer a contribution towards a particular trip or visit.

Parents/guardians do need to ask for this additional support.

Please contact Miss Seddon if you have any questions.


Curriculum trips

For trips that are integral to the curriculum, and students must attend, we will offer to pay 50% of the total cost for you.

Non curriculum trips

For trips that are for more of a leisure purpose, we can offer a maximum of 10% towards the total cost.

Parents/guardians will be asked to pay their contribution/deposit first, and we will pay the top up at the end.