A parent guide to

Safeguarding and well-being of students 

 Information about the Pastoral Team 


At The Costello School, every student is an individual and is important to us.

We recognise in today's society, the is an ever increasing need for robust support that is beyond the normal school day and school curriculum.

We have a strong pastoral system at The Costello School  that allows us to support our students in the best way we can with their day to day concerns, as well as looking at their longer term goals and aspirations.

The Team

Our Pastoral Team

Tutor team  

Each child is placed in a tutor group when they start at The Costello School, and 

where possible the tutor stays with them throughout their five years at the school.  

This must be the first port of call for families

Heads of Year

Each year group has a dedicated Head of Year.

Year 7

Mrs. A Till

Year 8

Mr. D Clarke

Year 9

Mr. C Rees

Year 10

Mr. C Childs

Year 11

Miss. R Pepall

Game-changer Team

The Game-Changer team sits across the five years groups supporting different aspects of the students time at Costello. They support our Year Leaders with data and information to enable them to spend the most time possible with the children in their year groups. 

Attendance and admissions

Mrs. A Cahalarn

Disadvantaged students and Vulnerability Index  

Mr. K Orchard

Enrichment and Careers 

Mrs. K Jordan

Family Liaison fficer 

 Dr. A Sutton

Pastoral data analysis and intervention manager  

Miss. C Gould

There are other key members of the pastoral team who also support the safeguarding, welfare and personal development of our students.

School Nurse

Mrs. A Chase

Attendance Officer


Harriet well-being centre

Mrs. T Lawler

Mrs. L McBryde

The team is overseen by three members of the Senior Leadership Team

Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour and attitudes

Mr. J Hulse  

Assistant Headteacher: Personal Development 

Ms. S Spicer 

Assistant Headteacher: Safeguarding (DSL)

Miss. C Seddon