VR Office Hours

Project Description

A virtual learning environment for students who are distributed across the globe - this can be used for Office Hours or group study sessions in situations which require the ability to share code and use the whiteboard or for large projects that benefit from in person interaction, and where zoom just won’t suffice. For example, if you're doing very mathematical or symbol / diagram based work that needs to be quickly updated, or need to collaborate with multiple people on lots of different work whilst not talking over each other, this would be the perfect product!

User Experience

The overall goal of our project is to offer an immersive experience that would simulate a real world office hour setting during times that remote learning is required. We attempted to give the user the best experience possible by factoring in the various sensory stimulation we experience in real life, mimicking the necessary parts (i.e. how we write), while reducing the annoyances in regular office hours (pen running out, not enough whiteboard space, queuing problems). Through this immersive UX, we hope to be able to foster camaraderie with our fellow students, TAs, and Professors when we face academic difficulties, or simply even for bonding in remote learning environments.


Main Features:

Grip: Pick up pen / grab whiteboard to move around

A Button: Create white board

B Button: Delete white board (while pointing at the board)

X Button: Spawn new pen

Y Button: Cycle through 4 colors (green, red, blue, yellow)

Right Trigger (Hold + Drag): Resize a board (while pointing at the board's red edge)

Right Trigger (when holding pen, toggle): Change the pen to erase mode

Right Joystick: Rotate character viewpoint

Left Joystick: Locomotion through teleportation

Left Trigger (when holding pen): Cycle through 4 pen sizes (5pt, 10pt, 20pt, 30pt)

Queuing Features:

Right Trigger (when pointing at queuing board): Add your name onto queue

Left Trigger (when right hand is pointing at queuing board): Move queue up one space



  • Clear and comfortable writing on whiteboards (w/ haptic feedback) and pen mechanics

    • Change Pen Colour, Pen Size, Toggle erase functionality (Player specific)

    • Spawn Pens and Boards as desired

  • Whiteboard manipulation (spawn, resize, move, snap) and interaction

  • Multiplayer interaction and functionality. Spatialized / locality sensitive voice chat, multiplayer avatar interaction and facial expressions when talking.

  • Office Hours Queue: Add your name to the Queue and let the TA cycle through the Queue, and see it in real time.

  • Nametags for better identification of who is who (defaults to student to preserve privacy, but it is customizable in Unity).

Customizable Nametags

Office Hours "queue" function

Dynamic Whiteboards

Multi-Colour Writing + Erase

William Zhang

CS '21

Xin Chen

ORIE '21

Arjun Bhalla

CS '21