Virtual Lecture Room

Project Summary

With the help of VR technologies, we aim to elevate the remote learning experience by delivering features that makes a VR classroom

  • Looks like a classroom (visual display)

  • Hears like a classroom (auditory display)

  • Functions like a classroom (supportive classroom features)

User Experience

Users will find it very similar to physical lectures, where they can intuitively interact with their neighbors and professor. They can also find various interactive features as following:

  • Wrist menu for selecting different speak mode (Right thumbstick press)

  • Laser pointer for selecting a person to talk with (Right index trigger)

  • Speak mode indicator to clearly identify each user’s current selected speak mode.

  • Animation for representing hand raising with burning question (Button A)

  • The degree of avatar color changes according to the head shaking or nodding frequency. The colors of neighbors will also change for anonymity.

Final Video

Sound on, full screen please :)

Demonstrated features:

  1. Start Scene and Name tag

  2. Locomotion

  3. Spatialized audio

  4. Mute

  5. Slides syncing

  6. Agreement and disagreement indication

  7. Asking a question

  8. Broadcasting across the room

  9. Grouping students into discussion group

  10. Targeted speech to enable private conversation.


A note on the targeted speech feature demonstrated here:

By its design, it takes at least three people to experience the feature: one speaker, one intended audience and one other audience that won't hear anything. With only two developers, we have to show it with a conversation. You can see that when pointing at a person, the laser turns green and the audio goes through. The laser is red and no audio is going through otherwise.

Start Menu

Users can put in their names

Lecture Hall

With synchronous slides

Wrist Menu

Select among four different audio modes

Disagreement Indication

Avatar (and neighbors) turn red when player shakes

Agreement Indication

Avatar (and neighbors) turns green when player nods

"Burning" Question

Used for hand-raising


Haonan Jing

Computer Science 21'

Ninghe Zhang

Computer Science 21'