High School


Duolingo: This is a free website in which students can work through engaging tasks to learn and improve proficiency in English.

Kentucky Virtual Library: This is a free resource that you and your students can use for a variety of reading tasks and experiences. Depending on the book/format, there is audio available.

Text and Comment Google Chrome Extension: This extension allows you to record your voice and insert it as a link. When your student is working through a Google Slide or online assignment, you can record yourself reading the assignment aloud or providing extra information. Here are two videos with instructions on installing and using the extension: How to Install the Extension

How to Use the Extension - start at 0:54 seconds to watch


Duolingo: This is a free website in which students can work through engaging tasks to learn and improve proficiency in English.

Flipgrid: Allows students to create a video and record their voice. Students can respond to a question or prompt using this resource.

Text and Comment Google Chrome Extension: With practice and guidance, your student could use the extension to record themselves reading aloud or providing a verbal answer. Here are two videos with instructions on installing and using the extension: How to Install the Extension

How to Use the Extension - start at 0:54 seconds to watch


Duolingo: This is a free website in which students can work through engaging tasks to learn and improve proficiency in English.

Kentucky Virtual Library: This is a free resource that you and your students can use for a variety of reading tasks and experiences. Depending on the book/format, there is audio available.

Text and Comment Google Chrome Extension: With practice and guidance, your student could use the extension to record themselves reading aloud or providing a verbal answer. Here are two videos with instructions on installing and using the extension: How to Install the Extension

How to Use the Extension - start at 0:54 seconds to watch

Rewordify.com: Oh my goodness! This site is amazing! If you're not sure if your ELL student is ready for certain vocabulary that's in a text, put it into Rewordify and it will change those complex words to less complex! Or, use the site as a way for your students to practice new vocabulary. You just need to explore the site!


Duolingo: This is a free website in which students can work through engaging tasks to learn and improve proficiency in English.


Authentic Assessment: This site describes different methods teachers can use to assess ELL students.


Kentucky TESOL: This site contains links to several different scholarships that our ELL students could work to earn.


Live Binders for Differentiating Instruction: There are tabs at the top that provide strategies for ways to differentiate instruction for our ELL students.

Peardeck: Teachers can create interactive lessons using Google Slides. It's free! *Your students could also create a Google Slide presentation using this program to create interactive presentations.

Screencastify: Teachers can record their computer screens and create videos to aid students in reading and listening. *Your students could also use this program.


Math is Fun: Illustrated math definitions.

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives: Virtual manipulatives to provide extra help in math.


Characteristics of English Language Learners with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Report: "Educators from 29 states provided more than 1,500 profiles of students, including their language backgrounds, disabilities, and assessment scores. The study found that many educators were not sure of their students’ language abilities in the language they spoke that was not English and that almost a quarter of students did not receive English language development instruction. More information and resources are available at altella.wceruw.org."

Language Focus Family Engagement: This document "addresses the unique needs and experiences of multilingual learners and their families. This new resource introduces readers to the four pillars of language-focused family engagement and provides tools to help educators examine their local family engagement practices."