Bursary Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to receive a bursary?

You must:

*A publicly funded school is one that doesn’t charge you for attending it.

Vulnerable student bursary

You could get up to £1,200 if at least one of the following applies:

You may get the full amount if you have expenses and study full-time on a course of at least 30 weeks.

What can bursary funding be used for?

A bursary is money that you, or your education or training provider, can use to pay for things like:

How much could I receive?

This will depend on your personal circumstances. There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursary.

Vulnerable student bursary

You could get a bursary worth up to £1,200, depending on your circumstances and benefits.

Discretionary bursary

You could get a discretionary bursary if you need financial help but do not qualify for a vulnerable student bursary. The College decides how much you can receive and what this bursary can be used to fund.

What is a Discretionary Bursary?

As a College we have specific criteria for discretionary bursaries. We will consider your individual circumstances which usually includes your family income.

You can also apply for a discretionary bursary if you’re over 19 and:


What evidence do I need to apply for bursary?

You will be instructed exactly what evidence you need on the application form, for example benefit letters.

This will be different for each individual student so please do seek support via email so we can ensure you have all the necessary documents.

Your application is not classed as completed until we have both the completed online application and all the supporting evidence asked for.

How exactly will I receive my bursary?

The College will decide how you receive your bursary. You might be:

Why do I not receive the full bursary/any bursary when I seem to qualify?

There is a possibility of no award, or a limited award. The College may decide that although eligible for a bursary because you are in one or more of the defined vulnerable groups, you do not have any actual financial need and so do not need support from the scheme. For example, your financial needs are already met and/or you have no relevant costs.

You will usually receive less than the full amount, or no bursary, if one of the following apply:

Why has the College not made my bursary payment?

If you fail to adhere to the expectations of Connell College, your bursary could be stopped at any time. Common causes for this are:

How to claim

You need to complete an application form and provide any supported documents you are asked to supply.

When to apply

Application forms are available via the student Google site from the just before the start of term.

Applications must be returned with all the correct documents by the second Friday of the new term. Your application if successful will then be entitled to bursary from the first day you started college providing you meet all the other criteria such as attendance. Any application provided after this date that is successful will only be backdated to the date of application, again providing all other criteria are met.

You will need to reapply for a bursary for each year of your course.

If you think a decision is unfair

Email bursary@connell.ac.uk if you’re unhappy with a decision. Follow the complaints process if you can’t resolve the problem. This means you need to put in writing why you think the decision is unfair and why you think it should be reconsidered.

The Education and Skills Funding Agency does not usually get involved with appeals or complaints you must use Connell’s appeals or complaints procedure.

Emergencies and hardship

You might be able to get more support if your circumstances change or you have an emergency. Email bursary@connell.ac.uk if you need extra help.

The bursary@connell.ac.uk email address is your first point of contact if you have any queries.