Year 2

Time to Play with Clay!

It's everyone's favourite time at the moment as we are building something fabulous from clay. Linked with our classroom learning we are creating under the sea scenes with slab construction. We are learning to connect pieces of clay with scratch and slip and compression and smoothing our edges.

Drawing from Life

When you can't quite stretch to a life model for the Y2 drawing class, Ms. Spizzirri's friends come to the rescue! Meet Mini Mango and Guava, our 2 elongated Asian Tortoises. We practiced our sketching, learning to shade and draw a moving target.

Using our textures to make Print Blocks

Inspired by our park visit we designed and made our own block prints to use for making art with texxture. Remember, texture is the way something feels, or looks like it feels, in art. We are learning to replicate this and if we make a print block we can use it for a large area.

Our Texture Trip to KLB Park

MUCH excitement this week as we took our first art trip! We all had iPads for a visit to the park where we are exploring an element of art - TEXTURE! Knowing that we needed to find things that feel interesting was the order of the day. We took parents with us to look at tree roots, grasses, stones, earth, play equipment and much more. 

Frank Stella all finished!

Here are our lovely layered pieces which show that we can paint, draw, create an abstract piece, collage, paper sculpt and use our space for balance and harmony. We have had a lovely time in our creative zone. Look at the videos of us, lost in creativity, listening to our favourite songs! Enjoy the differences in our art too, we have all the ideas that we found in his art work and we all took it in our own directions.

Frank Stella

We are working on a new and free and fabulous project which has many techniques and choices! We looked at Frank Stella's art which has so many things to notice. Straight lines, interesting shapes, lots of colour, 3D elements and layers, layers, layers! We started by deciding which shape our background would be and free cut to get it into any shape we chose. Then we are using all the colours of the rainbow to pattern and paint. We have already chatted about ways we can make some of the elements 3D and once these are dry we can start adding those important layers. 

Lion Dancer Gallery

Here are a few more pictures of our fabulous finished work. We are so proud of our drawing, oil pastel resist and our ink painting!

Finishing off our Lion Dancers

Y2 have loved learning about oils and resist! We got the watercolour inks out - our fist time in y2. The Ooooohs and Aaaaahs as they saw the inks move and flourish in watery spaces were very enthusiuastic! Bright and beautiful was the brief and I am sure you can see that they fulfilled it! Kung Hei Fat Choi, everyone!

Chinese New Year Lion Dancers

Back in the classroom after a lovely long holiday and we have started the year with these fabulous drawings. We are adding in pastel line work and will continue to add colour next week with some bright watercolour inks. 

Working in Watercolours

For a little bit of zen time following our sparkly Christmas work Y2 have been learning to create different effects with watercolours. We painted these gorgeous penguins to show our learning. 

Building our Stage Set for Christmas! 

We have been creating an incredible backdrop for all our Christmas shows. Y1 and 2 and Reception are all collaborating to make a beautiful piece which shows all our art work for us to perform in front of this year.

Something Special for Remembrance

Our Y2 students have collaged over their messy backgrounds which we created in the last lesson.We looked at the shapes of poppies and stylised them, then cut out lots with bold line work. Finishing details were ink leaves and stems. We will use these as the centrepiece of remembrance week in Kellett in a couple of weeks time. 

Aboriginal Painting

We have been looking at the art of Minnie Pwerle and Betty Mbitjana. We love the idea of telling stories with shapes and lines and also the way they sit and paint on the floor. We tried out the shapes, techniques and the way they also mix colours while they work, straight into the design.

Messy backgrounds - a new process!

This week we have been using paint in a whole new way. We've dripped and dropped paint and scraped the shapes to create an out of focus winter field. Once they''re dry, next week we will start to work over them with collage and drawing.

Designing a Creative Space

 In Y2 we have been planning our enrichment areas and creating 3D garlands of flowers and plants to go with our topic work in class. Our sticking cutting and planning skills helped us to make these paper vines.