2020/2023 : this is the period when the new Erasmus+ project is taking place. An important project that will give our students the opportunity to reflect upon the current subject of migrations: what does it mean to leave your own country because of a lack of work or because there is a war where you live, or a dictatorship or, again, there are bad environmental conditions? What does it mean to arrive in a far away place where traditions, language, religion are different? How is it possible to have confidence in different people and to grow up in a brand new context? That's the challenge. This is the main aspect the project will fathom. What an adventure, to begin all together!

Our partner countries will be many: Greece is the leading school that's guiding our path, Austria, Germany, Portugal and Spain will be our fellow partners.

All activities, materials and products can be found here:   Padlet of the project 





Flows of Life: Immigrants and Refugees in Search of an Identity 

 Erasmus+ project 2020/2023




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