
How to Use Rewards/ Consequences

Using rewards and consequences effectively can be trickier than it seems. Sometimes, small adjustments can make a world of difference in how children respond to these parenting techniques. This tool is designed to help parents learn best practices for using rewards and consequences. 

Source: Therapist Aid


Planning Rewards/ Consequences

Rewards and consequences are some of the most powerful tools at a parent’s disposal. When used effectively, they discourage unwanted behavior and promote healthy replacement behaviors. However, many parents become frustrated when their attempts at using rewards and consequences are ineffective. Common pitfalls, such as the inconsistent use of consequences, can completely undermine their value. 

Used alongside the "How to Use Rewards/Consequences" worksheet, the above will help parents create a plan for how and when they will use rewards or consequences. Begin by identifying a specific “unwanted behavior” and several consequences to discourage this behavior. Next, they will identify several “replacement behaviors” and rewards to encourage these new alternatives. 

Source: Therapist Aid


Reward Coupons

Learning to use rewards effectively with children can significantly improve their behavior. Sometimes parents just need some ideas of how to reward their child without breaking the bank! The above worksheet provides a simple way for parents to reward their children with fun activity coupons. Each coupon lists a single reward, such as "visit the park" or "get a new toy". Once children earn a coupon, they can exchange it for their reward. This printout will give families some great ideas for rewards, while simultaneously improving buy-in by making their reward system feel a bit more tangible and fun. 

Source: Therapist Aid

Handout of Dec 20, 2021 - Parent Workshop PowerPoint - Behavior Management Strategies (Part 1).pdf

Behavior Management Strategies

This workshop discussed concrete definitions of behavior, the 4 functions of behavior, developmentally appropriate challenging behaviors, and strategies for implementing token economies.

Handout of Jan 3, 2022 - Parent Workshop PowerPoint - Behavior Management Strategies (Part 2).pdf

Behavior Management Strategies Part 2

This workshop continued the discussion of behavior management strategies with a focus on how to implement token economies for different age ranges, and some suggestions on choosing reinforcers to encourage positive behavior.