Health and Safety

In the case of all serious injuries such as dislocations, broken bones, or if an individual is unconscious, a cautious approach is required and an ambulance should be called.

All head knocks and suspected concussions must be treated with caution at all times and professional medical advice sought as soon as possible. For more information on Concussion symptoms etc please click on the below link.

All injuries need to be reported to the Director of Sport and will be added to the School Incident Register. It is vital we receive a medical clearance for a player to resume training and playing post concussion or serious injury.

Player Injury / Welfare

If an injury is seen to be minor the coach/manager should use their own professional judgement as to whether the player can continue. Each manager should have a suitable first aid kit with them. If items are used it is up to the manager to ensure that the items are replaced as soon as possible.

If there is any doubt over the extent of the injury it must be treated as serious and the following steps need to be taken;

  • The player is removed from the field (unless a suspected spinal injury – player NOT to be moved and an ambulance must be called)

  • Professional medical advice is sought either at the ground or the nearest medical facility. An ambulance should be called for serious injuries such as dislocations, fractures and serious concussions.

  • The student’s parents/caregivers are to be contacted as soon as possible

  • Manager/coach is to stay with the student until parents/guardians arrive or upon escorting the student home

Risk Assessment & Management Policy for Trips Away

Before any trip departs, there is a Risk Assessment and Management process to be completed, which is a Ministry of Education requirement and this process highlights the risks involved and looks at how to prevent/minimise the risks associated with the trip. The person leading the trip (i.e. Sports department or teacher in charge) will be responsible for completing all the relevant ‘RAMs’ paperwork and submitting it to Senior Management prior to the trip departing. The coach, manager or designated adult is responsible for managing player injury and welfare.