A Sports Blue will be awarded to individuals who have shown a high level of ability in a particular sport. A Blue is the most prestigious sporting award given at Columba College. Blues will be announced at the Sports Awards evening in October, held at the Marsh Sports Centre. 

Students must fill in the online form and submit it to the Sports Committee by the end of August to be considered.  

The Committee, which consists of the 6 members listed below, is chaired by the Director of Sport, and reviews each nomination. 

Blues Committee:
Director of Sport - Miss D. Turnbull
Head of Sport – Mrs Lauren Piebenga
Head of Physical Education - Mrs C. Sinclair
Sports Administrator - Mrs G. Beardmore
Sports Council Chairman  - Mr Brent Davies
Sports Council Parent Representative  - Mr Grant Porter

Please note – Committee members are required to declare any conflict of interest and will withdraw from the discussion and decision-making process for any particular award(s) where a conflict is identified.

Following are the criteria and factors the Committee considers before awarding a Sports Blue, the highest honour in sport at the College.  Consideration is given to the age level of the student, the standard of competition, the number of competitors, and the strength of the sport:

Students must be endorsed by the TIC of their sport and be recognised as someone who upholds the Columba GRACE values. 

Students are expected to respect the special character of Columba and to represent our College with GRACE and pride.  There must be evidence of commitment, discipline and hard work. The student must be a good role model to other students within their sport and the wider College community and display characteristics of sportsmanship and fair play.

This award acknowledges students who have been selected for the top regional representative team, usually at Senior School level, as defined by the governing regional sports body. Please note that the applicant must be a member of a team. ‘Squads’ are not recognised as the top regional team. Non travelling reserves are also not eligible for this award. Note: any students who are selected in South Island or New Zealand squads will be eligible.

Being selected in a top regional open elite representative team will warrant consideration for a Blue.  However, being in an age-group regional representative team alone, will not qualify you for a Blues Award.

Individual athletes representing their region at a National Competition will need to place in the Top 5 to be eligible for consideration. 

Athletes representing their region at a National Championship as part of an age group team will need to place in the Top 3 to be eligible for consideration.

c. National Representation
Selection in a South Island Travelling Team will offer strong consideration.

Selection in a New Zealand Team or Squad is an automatic Blues qualification.

Other considerations:

Students are encouraged to fill out the application form in detail as the Committee will make its decision based on the evidence provided. Applicants must ensure that all the information provided in their online form is correct.  Contact details must be supplied for a referee (coach or manager) and the applicant must grant permission for their referee/coach to be contacted  if necessary.  A separate application must be filled out for each sport.  

Please note, Blues are for results recorded between term four of the previous year and the end of term 3 in the current year. Blues are in relation to the relevant year, not previous years’ successes.

2.  SPORTS AWARDS               


A Team of the Year Award recipient should represent excellence in their respective sport, and they should exhibit a combination of qualities and characteristics that set them apart from other teams as outlined below:

A team who has represented the College with distinction, integrity and upholds our values of GRACE for the duration of the season.  Team of the Year inspires others and has a positive impact on the community through their performance, attitude, and actions that are often recognised as exceptional.

 In terms of character, the Team of the Year will:

The Team of the Year will demonstrate commitment to:

2. Level of Representation 

Other considerations:


A Coach of the Year award recipient should embody a combination of qualities and characteristics that distinguish them as an exceptional coach:

A Coach of the Year will demonstrate values of GRACE and behaviour that aligns with Columba’s special character. They will inspire others and have a positive impact on the community through their performance, attitude, and actions.

In terms of character, the Coach of the Year will:

In terms of commitment, the Coach of the Year will:

Someone who demonstrates a strong commitment to the team, athletes, and the sport, often going above and beyond to ensure the team's success. 

This award will be presented to the Coach whose coaching skill and team's achievements are exceptional. In deciding this, the following factors will be taken into consideration:

Their team will have achieved top sporting success for that specific year.  This will usually be at a national level but is not exclusive to those achievements.  Measuring team success may take into account win-loss records, championships won, and playoff performances.

The ability to build a cohesive team that works well together and supports one another

Effective communication where they convey strategies, providing feedback, and foster a positive and open relationship with athletes, parents, and fellow coaches

A positive team culture.  They will guide and motivate their team to success both on and off the field or court, always aiming to exemplify and instill sportsmanship values in their team, teaching respect for opponents, officials, and the game itself.

Other considerations:


An outstanding student athlete, deserving of a sporting award, should encompass a blend of attributes and traits that set them apart as exceptional in their field of sports and academics.

Students self nominate for these honours. The Sports Committee select based on the following alongside their achievements.

A student who regularly demonstrates values of GRACE and behaviour that aligns with Columba’s special character. They will inspire others and have a positive impact on the community through their performance, attitude, and actions, that set them apart as an ideal candidate. 

In terms of character, the Student will:

In terms of commitment, the Student will:


An outstanding student athlete or extraordinary team deserving of a special sporting award. This would encompass athletes or teams who have achieved results over and above expectations of a regular season. To recognise what has set them apart in acknowledgement of their exceptional year of sport.

Please note this document will be reviewed in the first half of 2024 and from then on every three years to adapt to changes in the sports landscape and evolving standards. If you have any queries, please contact our Director of Sport.

Badge Nominations

Every year students will nominate themselves for the following badges;

These are sent out via a google form early in Term 3 and are due back at the end of August. Badges are presented to students at our annual Sports Awards Evening held at the beginning of Term 4.