5th TPLS in Kyoto

Organizers: Takao Kato (Colgate, Columbia, IZA, and TCER), Peter Kuhn (UC-Santa Barbara, IZA, CESifo, and NBER), Fumio Ohtake (Osaka), and Akira Kawaguchi (Doshisha)

Sponsors: Osaka University (Global COE); Doshisha University; UC-Santa Barbara; and Colgate University

Dates: March 17th (Saturday) and 18th (Sunday), 2012

Place: Doshisha University, Karasuma-Higashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602-8580, Japan.


March 17th


Hank Farber (Princeton)

Extended Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Duration in The Great Recession: The U.S. Experience (with Robert Vallettaz)


Takao Kato

Trends in Long-term Employment and Job Security in Japan and the United States: the Last Twenty Five Years (with Ryo Kambayashi)

11:00-11:15 break


Richard Freeman (Harvard)

Adjusting to Really Big Changes: The Labor Market in China, 1989-2009 (with Wei Chi and Hongbin Li)


lunch & poster session


Daiji Kawaguchi (Hitotsubashi)

The Long-term Career Effects of Labor Market Entry during the Great Recession: Evidence from Japan’s “Lost Decade” (with Shota Araki, Takao Kato, and Hideo Owan)


Lisa Kahn (Yale)

Employer Learning, Productivity and the Earnings Distribution: Evidence from Performance Measures (with Fabian Lange)

15:00-15:30 break


Hiroshi Ono (Texas A&M)

Career mobility in the embedded market: How workers change jobs in the Japanese financial sector


Kenta Hayashi (Kyoto)

Promotion in Bureaucracy: Evidence from Japan


Isamu Yamamoto (Keio)

The Effect of Work-life Balance Practice on Firm's Productivity (with Toshiyuki Matsuura)

18:00- reception

March 18th


Peter Kuhn

Is Internet Job Search Still Ineffective? (with Hani Mansour)


Masaru Sasaki (Osaka)

An Experimental Test of a Collective Search Model (with Yoichi Hizen and Keisuke Kawata)

11:00-11:15 break


Giorgio Brunello (Padua and Osaka)

Books are forever:Early life conditions, education and lifetime income


lunch & poster session


Lindsay Oldenski (Georgetown)

Offshoring and the Polarization of the U.S. Labor Market


Hodaka Morita (UNSW)

Choice of Product Architecture and Labor Turnover: Theory and Evidence (with Kentaro Nakajima and Tsuyoshi Tsuru)

Poster Session (March 17th &18th 12:00-13:30)

Yukiko Abe (Hokkaido University)

"Regional Variations in Labor Force Behavior of Women in Japan"

SunYoun Lee (Osaka University)

"Procrastinators and Hyperbolic Discounters: Transition Probabilities of Moving from

Temporary into Full-time Employment" (with Fumio Ohtake)

Tomoharu Mori (Osaka University)

"The Hidden Costs of Control in Field" (with Sarunyu Jitsophon)

Yoshinori Nishimura (University of Tokyo)

"The Effect of Japanese Social Security System on Retirement Behavior"

Hiroko Okudaira (Okayama University)

"How Do Firms Respond to an Increase in Minimum Wage? Direct Evidence on Firms’

Internal Responses" (with Miho Takizawa, Fumio Ohtake, and Kotaro Tsuru)

Masayuki Onda (Yokohama National University)

"Work Life Balance Practices and Compensating Wage Differentials: An Empirical Research

of the Nursing Industry in Japan"

Yuki Onozuka (Hitotsubashi University)

"Illusive Improvement: Gender Wage Gap and Sample Selection in Japan"

Daichi Shimamoto (Osaka University)

"International Migration and Remittance: Evidence from Albania"

Emiko Usui (Nagoya University and IZA)

"Employer Learning, Job Mobility, and Wage Dynamics" (with Seik Kim)

Tien Manh Vu (Osaka University)

"Gender and Housework Division among Children: Evidence from Household and Twins-like

Data in Vietnam"

Ting Yin (Osaka University)

"Bequest Motives and Retirement Behavior in China"