11th TPLS in LA

The Trans Pacific Labor Seminar (TPLS) was founded by Takao Kato and Peter Kuhn in 2007 to begin a much-needed process of international academic integration of labor economists in the Pacific Rim. Since then, the TPLS has been holding annual meetings in the United States, Japan and Australia. We are pleased to bring the TPLS meeting to Los Angeles for the first time.

Organizers: Till von Wachter (UCLA), Takao Kato (Colgate), Peter Kuhn (UC-Santa Barbara), and Ryo Kambayashi (Hitotsubashi)

Sponsors: UCLA (the Social Science Dean, the Vice Chancellor for Research Office, International Institute, Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies)

Dates: October 21 (Sunday) and 22 (Monday), 2018

Place: UCLA

11th Trans-Pacific Labor Seminar at UCLA

Sunday October 21st – Monday October 22nd

Conference Room of California Center for Population Research

4th floor, Luskin Hall

Conference Schedule

Sunday October 21st

8:30-9:00 Breakfast

9:00-9:15 Welcome

Session 1: 9:15 – 10:35

Dora Costa (UCLA), "Paternal Health and Child Outcomes"

Pramod Sur (Osaka), "Born In a Wrong time: The Long-term Impact of Chinese Great Famine (1959-61) on Billionaires Wealth Holdings"

Coffee Break: 10:35 – 10:50

Session 2: 10:50 – 12:10

Hiroaki Mori (Hitotsubashi), "Effects of Early Childhood Education on Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes" (joint with Michihito Ando (Rikkyo) and Shintaro Yamaguchi).

Shintaro Yamaguchi (Tokyo), "Dynamic Effects of Age at School Entry: What Roles Do Parents, Teachers, and Peers Play?"

Lunch 12:10-1:10

Session 3: 1:10 – 3:10

Kathryn Shaw (Stanford), "Serious Entrepreneurs as Serial Entrepreneurs: What Accounts for Their Success?" with Anders Sorensen (CBS)

Ryo Kambayashi, "Management Practice meets Human Resource Management" with Taisuke Kameda (ESRI), Takuma Kawamoto (ESRI), Shigeru Sugihara (ESRI), and Mari Tanaka (Hitotsubashi)

Takao Kato, "Working Hours and Top Management Appointments: Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data" with Anders Frederiksen (Aarhus) and Nina Smith (Aarhus)

Coffee Break: 3:10 – 3:30

Session 4: 3:30 – 4:50

Jesse Rothstein (UC Berkeley), "Letters of Recommendation and Diversity in College Admissions Decisions"

Dan Silverman (ASU) "Endogenous Liquidity Constraints: The Common Source of Over-withholding and Excess Sensitivity to Tax Refunds"

Monday October 22nd

8:30-9:00 Breakfast

Session 5: 9:00 – 10:20

Melanie Wassermann (UCLA), "Hours Constraints, Occupational Choice and Fertility: Evidence from Medical Residents"

Peter Kuhn and Lizi Yu (UC-Santa Barbara), "How Costly is Turnover? Evidence from Retail"

Coffee Break: 10:20 – 10:40

Session 6: 10:40 – 12:00

Keisuke Kawata (Tokyo), "Preference for migration policy: information effect and preference"

Hirofumi Kurokawa (Doshisha ), "In-Group Bias and Willingness to Compete"

Lunch 12:00 — 1:00