13th TPLS

The Trans Pacific Labor Seminar (TPLS) was founded by Takao Kato and Peter Kuhn in 2007 to begin a much-needed process of international academic integration of labor economists in the Pacific Rim. Since then, the TPLS has been holding annual meetings in the United States, Japan and Australia. The in-person meeting at UC-Berkeley was postponed due to Covid-19 Pandemic.

Organizers: Jesse Rothstein (UC-Berkeley), Takao Kato (Colgate), Peter Kuhn (UC-Santa Barbara), and Ryo Kambayashi (Hitotsubashi)

Sponsors: UC-Berkeley and UC-Santa Barbara

Dates: February 17 (Thursday) and 18 (Friday), 2022

Place: Virtual (passcode required)

Contact: Takao Kato at tkato@colgate.edu



  • Please limit your presentation to 25 minutes, so we can have a 10-minute question period at the end of each talk.


  • Please ensure that your microphone is muted during the presentation.

  • If you have a clarifying question (i.e. one that you think will clear up a possible misunderstanding about what the author is doing), feel free to raise your hand or just interrupt the speaker.

  • For other questions, type them into the chat [co-authors, please feel free to respond to these as they arise] or raise your hand during the question period.

13th Trans-Pacific Labor Seminar (virtual)


Day 1 [Feb 17 USA, Feb 18 Japan]: 6 - 9:15 pm Thursday (California) = 9 pm - 0:15 am Thursday (New York) = 4 - 7:15 pm Thursday (Hawaii) = 11 am - 2:15 pm Friday (Tokyo)

6:00 Opening

Session 1 Chair: Takao Kato

6:00 - 6:35 David Card (UC-Berkeley),

"Gender Preferences in Job Vacancies and Workplace Gender Diversity."

6:35 - 7:10 Peter Kuhn and Trevor Osaki (UC-Santa Barbara),

"When is Discrimination Unfair?"

7:10 - 7:45 Chris Walters (UC-Berkeley),

"Systemic Discrimination Among Large US Employers," (with Pat Kline and Evan Rose).

7:45 - 8:05 Break

Session 2 Chair: Jesse Rothstein

8:05 - 8:40 Daiji Kawaguchi (Tokyo),

"Training, Productivity, and Wages: Direct Evidence from a Temporary Help Agency (with Xinwei Dong and Dean Hyslop)

8:40 - 9:15 Tim Halliday (Hawaii-Manoa),

"The Effect of Paid Childcare Leave on Fertility and Female Labor Supply in South Korea," (with Kyeongkuk Kim and Sang-Hyop Lee)

Day 2: [Feb 18 USA, Feb 19 Japan] 6 - 9:15 pm Friday (California) = 9 pm - 0:15 am Friday (New York) = 4 - 7:15 pm Friday (Hawaii) = 11 am - 2:15 pm Saturday (Tokyo)

Session 3 Chair: Peter Kuhn

6:00 - 6:35 Jesse Rothstein,

"Location, Location, Location," (with David Card and Moises Yi)

6:35 - 7:10 Yudai Higashi (Okayama University),

"Urbanization Effects on Job Search Decision."

7:10 - 7:45 Till von Wachter (UCLA)

“Minimum wage effects and labor market concentration” (joint with Jose Azar, Emiliano Huet-Vaughn, Ioana Marinescu)

7:45 - 8:05 Break

Session 4 Chair: Ryo Kambayashi

8:05 - 8:40 Supreet Kaur (UC-Berkeley),

The Social Tax: Redistributive Pressure and Labor Supply,(Eliana Carranza, Aletheia Donald, and Florian Grosset)

8:40 - 9:15 Sydnee Caldwell (UC-Berkeley)

“Wage Posting and Wage Bargaining: Evidence from Linked Survey-Administrative Data” (joint with Ingrid Haegele and Joerg Heining)

9:15 Closing

List of Participants