online LTTA in SICILY

20th - 24th September 2022

During the online activity organized by the Italian school, we also had time to share experiences on teaching methodologies. To begin with, the students carried out a thinking routine aimed at presenting themselves in front of others by choosing a symbol that represents them. We also attended an example of phenomena-based learning, an ICT workshop for the realization of a cooperative book, a cooperative treasure hunt activity using the Google Maps application and a virtual laboratory workshop in which the students created homemade hydroalcoholic gel.


24th - 29th February 2020

Spanish teachers gave a workshop on POGIL and PBL methodologies, with practical examples of activities specially designed for this teaching approach.

Teachers also attended a practical demonstration of cooperative work observing how each group of students works collaboratively based on established roles and through specially prepared materials. After these activities, a debate was held.

The evaluation of the week's activities was carried out using another innovative application: Plickers.


15th - 21st September 2019

Teachers attended interesting workshops on new methodological approaches and application of new technologies in the classroom.

The first workshop for teachers delved into the benefits of using the CLIL methodology. The 2nd workshop introduced teachers to the use of computer applications designed to keep students more engaged during the explanations.

The 3rd workshop demonstrated the applications of ICT for learning STEAM subjects.


6th - 13th May 2019

An incredible experience of kinaesthetic learning for teachers and students: using dogs in the classroom to help the learning of young children and those who have special needs.

A different way of working on a topic promoting understanding, reflection and discussion: Story Telling


25th November - 1st December 2018

Science lesson using Phenomenon Based Approach

Math lesson in which CLIL method was used

Students creating Digital BaPN Calendar

Students working Problem Based Learning

Multidisciplinary activity that combines Science, Mathematics and Photography.

Exhibition of photographs of "Mathematics in Nature".