Tabor College Werenfridus, HOORN (Netherlands)

Tabor College Werenfridus was established in 1948 as a Roman Catholic school. We are open to staff and students of all religions and refer to ourselves as an open Catholic school. The school is attended by approximately 1500 twelve to eighteen years old students and about 150 staff members work here. We are a school for secondary education and prepare students for the Higher Vocational Diploma and the Pre University Diploma. More than half of our students take the bilingual curriculum.

Throughout our school the iPad is used in addition to books. We believe that all children are able to learn and they do so in their own way at their own pace. They are responsible for their own learning and results. In our view mutual respect and trust and an open and honest way of communicating are necessary ingredients for an effective cooperation amongst students and between students and staff. We believe that having high expectations of our students and providing them with a challenging learning environment are indispensable for their success. Therefore education is not limited to the classroom and our direct surroundings but is it our mission to bring the world into our school and the students into the world. All students go abroad at least once in their school carrier and all students have the option to participate in an international exchange. Our bilingual program involves international projects, exchanges and travels. We are a licensed UNESCO school, actively involved in the Unesco workgroup and network with which we cooperate on a national and international scale which means we know the meaning and importance of environmental issues and solutions, intercultural learning, sustainability and human rights.

Kepez Mahmut Celalettin, Antalya (Turkey)

Kepez Mahmut Celalettin Ökten Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi is a state Religious High School at secondary level for general education with the students aged 10-18 (from 5th to 12th grades). Students get education on Islam Religion such as Quran, Arabic and other Religious matters besides the education on science, mathematics, social sciences, foreign languages... existing in the curriculum of all types of schools. The school, founded in September 2016, has a new modern building with all kinds of facilities such as ICT and Science labs, conference hall, library, restaurant, a very big garden with too many playing fields and a luxurious pension to host the students. It has interactive boards in all classes. There are 251 students and 29 teachers in the school. 4 administrators work in management as 1 principal and 3 manager assistants. 83 out of 251 students are secondary school students while the others are upper secondary school students. The school is only for male students. The aim of the school is to donate students not only with academic subjects but also with religious and moral themes. The school is determined as a Project school by the Ministry of Education in which the students and teachers are chosen elaborately for the school.

Teachers should have a variety of capabilities such as having better teaching skills, being sociable and experts in their professions to work at the school. In addition, the lower secondary part of the school was declared as a pilot school applying a new curriculum in which students study English lesson more than usual. The school has a good reputation and relationship with local authorities and media to reach its aim to make the project benefits reach as many people as possible. Because, It is a kind of special school, many people want to see the success of it. Although it is a young school, it has participated in too many local/national and international Project Works and competitions. This year 4 eTwinning projects, including the one with the themes of this project, are being carried out. Last year, one of the students won the first prize in International World Educational Robot Contest in Beijing.

Základná škola, Kudlovská 11 , Humenné (Slovakia)

The school is located in a small town- Humenne, which is situated in the eastern part of Slovakia. We have a total of 290 students aged 6 – 15 and 19 teachers. Many of our students come from families that would most likely be unable to give their children the opportunity to experience other countries and cultures. We believe that through the project our pupils will feel a great chance for developing their personalities. We educate students with mental and physical disabilities and with educational problems. They are all integrated in normal classes. It is our aim that as many as possible of our students should get the opportunity to cooperate with their peers from other countries, thus increasing intercultural competence, language skills, environmental knowledge and responsibility as European citizens. With this project, we would like to have the opportunity to share our culture, our natural environment and our hospitality, to continue with our dynamic methodology promoting school exchanges, using English. Our school participated in two European project –in the second project as a project coordinator. Both of our previous project were concerning environmental issues. We are also very proud to be ECO SCHOOL. All the activities in this project will be conducted under the guidance of experienced and reliable teachers. In this project we will benefit from the experience of these teachers. The whole school will be involved in the project activities. Not only teachers but also parents are well organized and they support their children in these activities. All the teachers participating in this project are experienced to develop students´ language and communication skill and competencies, to develop awareness of the importance of protecting the environment, to understand the importance of European citizenship, to acquire intercultural social skills, to motivate students for further learning, to acquire new lifelong friendships, to improve ICT skills, to gain the ability to solve the problems, teamwork and leadership, to improve attitude to school and education. Our school also cooperated on the project "Terms of inclusive education - experience from England" with two English schools in Leicester and Babington. The aim of the project is to include students from different cultural backgrounds in education and all school activities. Inclusion is contingent on school educational concept, support in the organization of teaching and school support staff, teachers´ assistants. Participating in the project will help children with such difficulties. Some of students belong to ethnic minority group - ethnic Roma. Participating in our project will help them to integrate with European society. The school has done lots of projects and is active in the projects of local community, especially environmental projects and charity work.

Istituto Comprensivo “G.Mazzini” is kindergarten, a primary and lower secondary school in Erice- Trapani, a lovely town surrounded by the sea from all sides, in the west part of Sicily. We have 986 students studying at different levels and 125 experienced teachers. The school has three different buildings with many facilities such as computer, science, art and language labs, gyms and gardens. All the classrooms have air conditionings and most of them have interactive boards. We also have a school orchestra and a choir. The principal aim of the school is to enable all students to achieve their best. This is brought about by continually developing a stimulating curriculum, supported by good standards of teaching and learning and by offering a wide range of extra curricular activities. In a fast changing, technological world we need to develop life-long learners who can cope with change. Young people should communicate effectively, co-operate in teams, develop research skills, use new technology with confidence, and take responsibility for their own learning and actions. We have never participated ın an Erasmus+ project before but we are quıte enthusıastıc to work with European partners thus sharıng experıences, best practıces and teachıng strategıes ın order to educate our students to became global cıtızens. Our students are involved in many regional and national projects and social events on several topics. We have participated to eTwinning projects and recently to “Educhange project” developing multiculturalism and cross-cultural dialogue. We aim to increase international activities through the participation to European projects therefore we want to join this project to help our students to become aware of environment issues and of the solutions to the environmental problems, motivating them to solve the issues and take proper actions to save environment. We know the importance of healthy environment and we should take all the possible measures to keep our environment healthy. One of the most effective means to promote healthy environment is giving proper education. The project will have a strong impact on our pupils, they will learn and discuss about the environmental issues. Education on environment will guide them to think seriously, deeply, and productively thus improving their communicative competence in English language and ICT.

Colegio Nuestra Señora del Socorro, Benetússer (España)

The school Nuestra Señora del Socorro is in Benetússer, a small town on the outskirts of Valencia, just 5 minutes away from the capital. We are a private concerted Diocesan College, which depends on the Parish of Nuestra Señora del Socorro in Benetússer. Our school was created for social purposes in the 60s as a subsidiary of the Luis Vives Institute, one of the only two High schools in the city of Valencia those years. For many years our school was the only high school for a wide area of Valencia. Thousands of students from Valencia and its region have come to our center since then, giving great prestige to our institution.

Currently, we have 1,000 students aged between 3 and 18 who come from both Benetússer and Valencia and other surrounding towns.

The school Nuestra Señora del Socorro develops its educational mission according to a quality management system based on standard UNE-EN-College ISO 9001-2015.

Also we have our own sports club, Club Deportivo Nuestra Señora del Socorro, a private non-profit association with legal personality and capacity to act itself, whose sole purpose the promotion and practice of physical activity and sport in the federative level, since 1986.

Our Center is committed to educational innovation and teacher training in new methodologies. Our teachers have attended training in neuroeducation, cooperative work, multiple intelligences, project-based learning, new methods for teaching mathematics (ABN method), etc. For two years we have been part of the network of INNOVA professors from the Diocesan Schools of Valencia that allows teacher training through the exchange of experiences through job shadowing.