This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Be aware of and Protect Nature

Erasmus Plus KA229 Project


BaPN is a project aims to make pupils and society be aware of the natural treasures such as cultural heritage, natural beauties, ancient buildings, recreational areas and mostly severe condition of them resulted from unwanted human activities. Although it is easier to reach the information thanks to technology, people from young to old are becoming isolated from their environment day by day. They are living in their environment but they are not aware of it.

Also, to make student learning permanent and sustainable, BaPN will cover many activities including new teaching approaches like CLIL, cooperative working, or phenomenal based learning, for example.


In EU 2020 Strategies, solving environmental problems, improving the key competences of people (especially ICT skills) and improving the quality of citizens have been declared as some of the most important priorities of Europe. As partners, we believe that school should be the main place where students not only follow education but also grow up as world citizens and human beings. Unfortunately, students' social awareness and sensitivity to social matters are often weak. We are continuously exposed to the issues regarding environmental problems such as global warming and freshwater shortage, selfcentered lifestyle, renewable energy, lack of ICT usage etc, but the manners and attitudes of our students and the society goes backwards and do not improve in the speed. Although teachers and students have a life integrated into technology, they often do not know how to use it accordingly. They use it only for playing games or social media. But they hardly ever use technology to find solutions to social matters or improve their skills. In partner schools, a lot of activities, such as courses on using technology in a true way, applying new strategies and methods and organise in-service training, seminars, conferences, campaigns have been carried out recently to improve; * teachers' professional skills, the interest of students, the quality of teaching and learning, citizenship and key competencies, the awareness of staff and pupils on social matters, social unity, acts to stop social isolation. But, unfortunately, the expected impact cannot be reached. BaPN is a project aiming to make all participants and stakeholders be aware of the natural treasures such as cultural heritage (physical), natural beauties, ancient buildings, recreational areas and their mostly severe conditions resulted by unwanted human activities, environmental problems such as global warming, pollution, energy shortage and make them meet and learn about; new teaching/learning approaches/acts and integrate them with normal school curriculum and make them; to take into action on social matters and be active citizens While working on, all parts, especially pupils, will learn how to create solutions to environmental problems and become active citizens by performing Project activities. Our main theme will be Nature but BaPN will cover lots of different activities aiming to reach the expected targets. BaPN is different from other projects carried out in similar topics because it combines those topics and activities with the ones related to education such as applying new teaching/learning approaches. In Addition, BaPN will integrate with other stakeholders such as renewable energy companies, legal entities about environment, NGOs dealing with the matters apart from schools at a surface level.


We made a logo contest to select our official logo for the project. These were the candidates:

Italian school

Slovakian school

Dutch school

Spanish school

And the winner was the Turkish school candidate: