Eagle Talon


by Tennyson Jackson

Colby FFA along with many members of the administration and community are starting to see their fundraising efforts for the new VOAG building pay off. At the football game against Lakin on October 14th, community members and school personnel held a fundraiser and sold tickets for a chance to win 100 pounds of beef. There were two winners that evening, Damien Glover of Colby received half with the other 50 pounds going to Troy Michel of Lakin.

As far as the fundraising itself, FFA member Luke Shull says that the building is starting to become a reality.

“We have had tons of donations from a lot of people that want to see a new VOAG building for our high school. This is something that I think Colby High School really needs, this new building will help teach the students how to work on engines, weld, and even somebody work,” commented Shull. He also feels that “three fourths of this town is farmers and ranchers, a new AG building will help our students who want to go in the agriculture tremendously.”

CHS Principal Ryan Muhlig has been impressed with committee members David Oren, Michelle Morris, Bill Shields, and Stephen Shull and how incredible they have been to work with. He’s been equally impressed with what is being accomplished without a VOAG building and how “forward thinking everyone is and how much pride the community has in promoting Colby as a NW Kansas growing community.”

“We are in the raising funds phase of the project and have a website that is dedicated to thanking our gracious donors and letting others know we are still in need of help,” he said. “Currently over $400,000 has been raised in less than a year which I feel is incredible.”

Anyone wishing to view the website can find it at https://sites.google.com/colbyeagles.org/building-our-ag315/home or go to the USD 315 webpage and click the top right hand corner.

Additionally, the Colby Future Farmers of America chapter is preparing to head to Indianapolis for the FFA national convention. Colby FFA is taking six members and two sponsors; they will travel via bus to Indianapolis. Marvin Green, the Colby FFA chapter leader, is excited because this will be his first time going as a leader and not as a participant. He believes that the opportunities that are available to the newer members will be good for their characters. FFA member Lily Carter stated that she is excited because “it will be a great bonding experience.” Additionally, she is excited to meet new people from around the world.

CHS is building their school spirit with State sendoffs and pep rallies

by Holli Hopper

On Thursday October 13th, Colby High School held their first State sendoff of the year. That one was for Tennis. On Friday October 14th, the school had another sendoff, this time for the girls’ golf team.

These sendoffs have been taking place during the seminar hour, in the auditorium. The students got to their seats and waited for the highlight videos or for the coaches to speak. The dance team performed to music so loud that CHS principal, Ryan Muhlig, could hear it from his office. The cheer team would perform and rile the students of Colby High School up between speakers to get them excited for the state sendoffs.

The cross country team got their sendoff to the GWAC meet by their coach, Chris Geirsh. He mentioned that the team was the smallest they had been for years, but that they had been working hard and getting better.

Girls’ golf was the second sport to be bragged upon by their coach, Rick Williams. The team was the biggest team out of the three that were announced. With the golf team having a state sendoff on October 14th, a Friday, Coach Williams chose to feature the JV team and the strides they have made in a short time.

Lastly, the tennis team was sent to state. The team was given an inspirational video to show the students of Colby High School what they have been up to. The students gathered around all the way from the auditorium to the gym to have the sendoff for the tennis team. Some teachers have said this pep rally/send off was the best one ever. Teachers said they were excited that all the students of Colby High School were so energized.

The CHS dance team performs at a recent pep rally. Photo by Holli Hopper

Girls' golf coach, Rick Williams, shares some motivational words with his team and the student body. Photo by Holli Hopper

The CHS cheerleaders rile up the crowd at a recent pep rally. Photo by Holli Hopper