Vera Tith


Optional audio recording of the text in Part A.

Vera Part A.m4a

Directions: Read Part A below. After you are done reading, think about the question: “Why did this person leave their home country?

Part A

Born in Cambodia in 1952.

Came to the United States in 1981.

Age 29

Life in Cambodia

I was a teacher in Cambodia. There were bad soldiers, called the Khmer Rouge, who took over my country. They thought I was dangerous because I was educated. The soldiers started moving people from town to farms that were far away. My husband William, our son Samnang, and I fled because we were afraid of being taken away. We escaped to a nearby country called Thailand.

Optional audio recording of the text in Part B.

Vera Part B.m4a

Directions: Read Part B below. After you are done reading, think about the question: “What was this person getting used to?”

Part B

Life in Transition

After arriving in Thailand, we lived in a refugee camp for two years. Finally, we were able to move to the United States and arrived in Brooklyn, New York. Life was difficult because I had to take the train everywhere and it was very expensive. My husband was the only one who could work, and our son was often sick. If I wanted to teach, I needed to go back to school. Also, it was snowing! I had never seen snow before. I realized my sandals would not be good footwear here.

Life in Lowell

A Cambodian friend encouraged us to move to Lowell because the city had educational and job opportunities for me. My friend also thought it was easier to travel to places like the hospital and grocery store in Lowell. I was able to take classes and receive a teaching degree from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. I taught at a school in Lowell.