Other Concepts

Final Level

I was thinking this would be 'final level' for the game, and the previous level (I thought Principal's office would be a great setting) would be escaped by a vent. You fall through the vent into the boiler (and stuff) room, and there's a huge door at the end, with multiple things to do.

I'm not sure how, but maybe there could be a creepy robot chasing you too, just to add to the pressure. There's a game where I got inspiration for all the keys from, and the robot really works well in it.

I drew a map in case it was too confusing. If you see the secret note behind the red door and you think it's a good idea, I think it would be great to hide a bunch of notes in every level and build a secret backstory around them.


School Pet


You can only use the items once. Once you exit the room everything is back to normal