Welcome to Distance Learning

Bienvenido a la educaciĂłn a distancia

Hello families and friends,

We miss the students dearly, and are going to try our best to provide your child with structured, organized experiences in virtual learning. Below, you will find additional resources for students with exceptional needs. We look forward to connecting with all of you regarding your children’s individual goals! This virtual learning model will only be successful with your help. Parents, please send us any feedback on how we can best support your learner at home. Contact us by email.

Hola familias y amigos,

Echamos mucho de menos a los estudiantes y haremos todo lo posible para brindarle a su hijo experiencias estructuradas y organizadas en el aprendizaje virtual. A continuación, usted encontrará recursos adicionales para estudiantes con necesidades excepcionales. Esperamos conectarnos con todos ustedes con respecto a las metas individuales de sus hijos! Este modelo de aprendizaje virtual solo tendrá éxito con su ayuda. Padres, envíenos cualquier comentario sobre cómo podemos apoyar mejor a su alumno en casa. Contáctenos por correo electrónico.

Adam Helfand (Special Education Director/School Psychologist) ahelfand@coastusd.org

Lisa Stevens (Speech and Language Pathologist) lstevens@coastusd.org

Marissa Purcell (Learning Center Teacher/Resource Specialist) mpurcell@coastusd.org

Peggy Graham (Occupational Therapist) peggygrahamot@gmail.com

Isa Strabala (Adaptive PE Teacher) istrabala@slcusd.org

Alicia Wallace (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) alicia.wallace@socialskills4life.org

Academic Resources

Mrs. Mertens ZOOM

Ms. Purcell

Speech Language Resources

Welcome students and parents! Below is an ever growing resource of great speech and language links where parents can find useful information for practice and generalizing skills at home.

Stuttering Therapy Resources