
Welcome to 4th Grade Virtual Learning
Bienvenido a la educaciĂłn virtual de 4 grado

Zoom Meetings and Google Classroom Links

Mrs. Ender's Zoom - ALSO for Parent Teacher Conferences

Meeting password: cgs123

Mr. Lant's ZOOM - Also for Parent Teacher Conferences

Meeting password: cgs123

CGS BTSN 5:30p September 2, 2021


NOT through Zoom this year.

Having trouble logging onto Zoom? Watch this video for help!

Links for Learning

4th Grade FlipGrid

Flip Code: cgs4thgrade

Class Code: neb5958

Online Resources for Books & Research

Username: cgs

Password: otters

Access through the ETC Portal

Extension Activities

Done early? Try one of the extension activities below! Follow your interests and see where they take you.
Remember to share what you learned, saw, made, or did with your teacher and/or a family member!

Ways to share what you learned. Choose one:
1) Write a paragraph (or more!). Do this on Google Docs and share with your teacher!
2) Draw a picture or take SketchNotes.
3) Make a Google Slides presentation.
4) Explain verbally what you learned, saw, noticed, and wondered. Use office hours time to talk to your teacher about it!

Have a passion project you want to work on? Talk Mrs. Ender or Mr. Lant and we will support you the best we can!

Click here to learn how to play chess!

Take a Virtual Field Trip to different National Parks!

Visit this website to see live nature footage!

Take a virtual tour of the National Museum of Natural History!

Do a science experiment!

Learn a new card game.

Read an article!

Play Kakooma!

Doodle with Mo Willems!

Listen to a Podcast about science!

Back to School Night Information

Ender Back to School Night Zoom.mp4

Mrs. Ender's Back to School Night Video

CGS BTSN 5:30p September 2, 2021