Hello CGS Families,

PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is an important way for you to participate in your child’s education.

With appreciation,

Jill Southern - CGS Principal


Christie Cosme - President

Esther De Alba - Vice President

Marcia Betrue - Secretary

Theresa De Alba - Treasurer

Hola familias de CGS:

PTA (Asociación de Padres y Maestros) es una forma importante para que usted participe en la educación de su hijo.


Christie Cosme - Presidenta

Esther De Alba - Vicepresidente

Marcia Betrue - Secretaria

Theresa De Alba - Tesorera

Con apreciación,

Jill Southern - CGS Directora

PTA Bylaws.pdf
ELAC and PTA Sept 15
PTA CGS Agenda January 19, 2021
PTA Minutes - November 17, 2020 English.Spanish

PTA CGS Agenda November 17, 2020
PTA CGS Agenda October 20, 2020
PTA Minutes - October 20, 2020 English-Spanish.docx
PTA CGS Agenda September 15, 2020
PTA Minutes - August 4, 2020 English-Spanish
PTA Minutes Meeting - February 18, 2020.docx

Wath this video about how to submit virtual results and upload photographs to Pace 4 Peace website.