Parent Page

If you're a parent who's thinking...

What can I do to help my child in Spanish class?

Parents, your child will be graded on a variety of assessments, including homework, class work, unannounced quizzes, tests, long-term assignments, and daily performance.

1. Please make sure that your child comes prepared to each class with: composition notebook, "homework notebook," workbook (does not apply to Spanish I), warm-up sheet, and something to write with.

2. Homework is given nightly and checked daily. Please ensure that your child spends adequate time at home on his or her Spanish work.

3. Warm-ups are a timed, informal assessment at the beginning of each class, consisting of a 3 question review of the previous day's lesson. Please make sure that your child's homework is done efficiently in order to promote success on the following day's assessment.

4. Please follow along with our classroom calendar to see what we will be doing each day. Ask to see your child's notes. Every day is worth 10 points. Attendance + complete notes = 7/10. Attendance + complete notes + class work + participation = 10/10 (100%). If you see a stamp by the date and objective, your child received 10 points for this day. If you see my signature, your child received 9/10 points for this day. If you do not see "stampage" but you can locate the date, objective, and notes, your child received 7 points for this day. Daily performance grades are recorded in students' composition notebooks, and tallied up on test days.

5. If your child is absent, please instruct him or her to take an "I was absent, what did I miss?" flier from our wall. (He or she may also work independently using the textbook and our online classroom calendar.) Students are required to make up the work for the days that they were not in class. Every day is worth 10 points.

6. If your child is absent on a test day, he or she will have a zero in the gradebook until (s)he stays after school to take the missing test and listening quiz. This must be done by the end of the quarter.

(And this is what I tell my students...)


  • Rule #1 - Come prepared!
  • Do your homework. Spend time on it.
  • Complete each day's objective in your Unit Portfolio.
  • Study your Chapter Portfolio.

(Being consistent in these areas should lead to high quiz and test scores.)

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