English I Units

English IV Units

Unit I- The Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods

Unit Over View

In this unit students will develop a stance on why heroic traditions are important to the development of social communities. Learning experiences will focus on fiction and non-fiction texts from early British Literature. Students will explore author's style, craft, and model writing on mentor texts. Writing in multiple modes, close analysis of texts, grammar usage within text and language skills, both written and oral, will be emphasized.

Unit 2- The English Renaissance ( 1485-1660)

In this unit students will analyze the role of the individual within society and consider the role humanism played in social and literary development/ response as the " ideal man" was born. They will read from multiple genres and compare the form and usage of language to present an argument, to persuade, to incite,and to educate. Concepts of justice, leadership, statutes, and philosophy are showcased in a variety of texts from the Renaissance period.

Unit 3- The Restoration and 18th Century (1660-1798)

In this Unit, students will investigate how culture shaped the literature and how literature shapes culture: particularly how authors use Language to illuminate important social issue, propose change, or incite response. Students will read multiple texts and synthesize the ideas contained within them to make a claim about an author's motivation, technique, and efficacy. students will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a self-directed project that addresses a social issue.

Unit 4- The Flowering of Romanticism ( 1798-1832)

In this unit, students will compare the shifts in cultural values from neoclassicism to the Romantic period, and how those changes are exhibited in the literature of the time. Students will make inferences about how historic events influenced those shifts. They will read from multiple genres of texts to distinguish elements particular to this period of writing, uncovering.