Self-Advocacy, Resilience, and Optimism

This school year, we will focus our Social Emotional Learning on three key areas: self advocacy, resilience, and optimism.

1. Failure is important to success. Falling only makes us stronger.

2. When you don't do well at something at school, what can you do about it?

a. Talk to your teacher--Remember to use your best manners and try to stay calm.

b. Ask for a retest or to complete test corrections.

c. BEFORE you retest or complete test corrections, study, go to tutoring, organize your notes, and look for online videos and tools to help you to understand better.

d. Ask a classmate for help who understands the topic better than you.

e. Ask for a seat up front or, if you are at home, make sure you have a quiet place to work.

f. Do all of your assignments. If you don't do well on something, try again. If there isn't an easy way, do it the hard way.

g. Ask your teacher questions.

3. Optimism:

a. Create some good for others and for the world.

b. Know your strengths.

d. Practice respect and empathy even when you disagree with someone else.

Sources of Strength

Steps to Resilience