Class Norms

1. Be on time to class and in your seat when the bell rings.

2. Bring texts, paper, pens and pencils, and other supplies to class each day. Have what you need on your desk when the bell rings.

3. Participate respectfully. We will discuss some controversial and mature topics during our study of literature this year. Sometimes we will agree to disagree. The intention in discussion is to hear individual voices and to reflect on what others are saying--and on our own thinking.

4. Keep an open mind. When classmates or adults share their stories and perspectives, we need to focus on listening and thinking more than challenging and reacting.

Pass to leave class:

At Piedmont, we practice the 10/10 rule. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom during the first or last ten minutes of class.

As the classroom teacher, I will determine if a student may leave the room during instructional or independent work time. Students are expected to use transition time between classes if they need to use the restroom.

Students are required to take a hall pass with them anytime they leave the classroom. These passes are located by the door. It is the responsibility of the student to return the pass to its proper place.

Snack Time: We don't have snack time. No Food, Drinks, or Chewing Gum are allowed in Class. No Candy.

Clear water bottles are permitted in class, and students are encouraged to bring them.

Breaking the Rules: Consequences are earned in the order below. Modifications to the order of consequences are at my discretion based on the severity of student infraction.

  1. Warning/Reminder/Reflection
  2. Silent Lunch/ Reflection
  3. Contact with home. Written apology.
  4. Lunch Detention/ Written Apology
  5. Administrative Referral

Technology Usage: We are a one-to-one school. Students will very rarely need to use their cell phones in class. The only time that cell phones may be visible in class will be if they are necessary for instruction. Students are not allowed to read on their cell phones. They may read e-books on e-readers (tablets, nooks, etc) or only!

Per Piedmont’s policy, cell phones are only to be used during breakfast, lunch, or healthy kids. If a student is caught using a cell phone during class for any purpose (unless explicitly authorized by the teacher), the cell phone will be confiscated and handed to an administrator. A parent or guardian will be required to pick it up. No Exceptions!

Though students will be expected to have headphones or earbuds for assignments on chromebooks, the headphones or earbuds should not be out or worn by students unless the teacher requires them.

Late Work: Any work turned in after the given due date is considered late. Students have up to 2 weeks to make up work and receive partial credit at teacher discretion. Late work should be placed in the Late Work tray with a late slip completed and attached to the work.

Missed Work:

  1. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the homework assignments, notes & any other pertinent information that is missed during an absence. Upon return to class, the student will need to check canvas for the day he/she was absent. If they missed an assessment, they will need to see the teacher to make-up the missed assessment.

2. Missed work due to an absence: Additional time (up to five school days) and full credit will be allowed for each day of a verifiable and excused absence. After five school days, the work is late.

Grading Scale:

The District grading scale as applied to points earned by the end of a grading period is as follows:

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70 – 79%

D = 60 – 69%

This scale does not mean that students within a class will earn grades in each of these categories for a bell curve. My expectation is that students will work hard and earn grades of A.