Math Placement

HOw do i determine the best math placement for my child?

Trying to determine the best math placement for your child can be a daunting task. At CHMS, we are focused on helping you and your child make the best placement decision. This page is designed to help you understand the middle and high school math progression. An on grade level math pathway is shown below:

If you feel that your student is ready for an Accelerated option. We offer Honors Math, that shifts the content one grade level up. It is important to note that your student can "JUMP" to the honors pathway any year by selecting honors on their course registration card. Learn more about Honors math by clicking here. The benefit of this pathway is that students receive Math 1, a high school course, for a full year instead of a semester.

For students that are well above grade level, we have Math 1 Placement Options. Students have the option to take a Math 1 Placement test to determine if they are ready for a high school level course as a 6th grader or a 7th grader. While we have some students that do place into Math 1 as 7th graders, we only have a few that place into Math 1 as 6th graders. When making the decision for the best placement of your child, it is important to consider that taking Math 1 as a 6th graders is 4 levels above grade level. Similarly, taking Math 1 as a 7th grader is 3 levels above grade level. If you are interested in having your rising 6th grader or rising 7th grader take the Math 1 Placement test, you can find more information here.