
  • Mrs. Blackwell’s Social Studies Syllabus

Course Description:

Students in the middle-level social studies program will be engaged in the geographic study of world regions as they examine major civilization development. The 6th Grade curriculum is designed to allow students to observe societies dissimilar to their own in such a way as to broaden their understanding of people and places in an increasingly interdependent world. Students examine areas of the world having the longest record of human habitation and the richest diversity of human experience. These are regions within which the vast majority of the world's people live and regions that possess some of the world's most valuable resources. Students will trace the development of human society from its origin through the Renaissance era. Students will explore patterns of change in continuity by focusing on the expansion of and the decline of civilizations, patterns of geography, and development of political, economic, and societal systems. Students will analyze and evaluate how foundations of society influence the modern era. This class will be interactive for students to enhance their understanding of global connections and their role in the world around them.

Required Materials:

*Binder (small- ½- 1inch-- not specific)

*Loose leaf paper

* #2 Pencils with eraser (preferably mechanical)

*Pens (blue, black, red)

*Colored pencils – Please no crayons or markers

*Hand held pencil sharpener

*Highlighters (multiple colors)

*Student agenda (purchase at school)

* Earbuds/Headphones

* Pencil Case or pouch

* Wireless mouse [HIGHLY RECOMMENDED]

Interactive Notebook:

This year students will have a virtual notebook on Google Classroom. All in-class assignments and notes will be kept in Google Classroom unless the students does not have access to computer or internet at home (in that case, student will receive hard copies for each assignment). This will allow students to have a personal portfolio of their work throughout the year. In addition, it will be used as a study aid and documentation of the work that is being completed daily. We also have a workbook that each students will have for various assignments.

Grading Policies:

Grade Scale

A = 90-100

B = 80-89 C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = Below 59

Formal Assessments (tests and projects) = 65%

Informal Grades (class-work, homework, quizzes) = 35%

Late Work:

All types of course work will be considered late if not completed and turned in by specified due date that was assigned and will receive a signature. Students will automatically lose 10% equaling a 90% after the first day late. The grade will continue to decrease daily by 10% points for a total of 5 class days. At this time, if the student has still not turned in a completed assignment he/she will receive a 50% or an F. After 10 days, if the student has not turned in the assignment, he/she will receive a zero and will not be able to make it up. Parent contact will be made after the student has three missing assignments resulting in a zero. If the student was not present in class on the due date because of an excused absence, full credit will be given for the completed work if turned in upon return. Students can find work that is missing or late on Google Classroom.

Procedures for student absence:

When a student is absent from class, it is their responsibility upon returning to school to initiate contact with the teacher to obtain work missed. Students and parents may email the teacher to receive the assignments and assistance in catching up. If the student is missing notes, he/she will need to communicate with the teacher before or after class to arrange a time to receive the notes. Students will have 2 days for each day absent to turn in missed assignments. Students will receive up to an 80% for any assignment turned in after the two day grace period. Late assignments turned in after two calendar weeks will result in a zero. If a student is absent the day a project is due, he/she will be responsible for turning in the project upon returning to class to avoid a grade deduction.

Re-testing Policies: Students will have the opportunity to re-test on formal assessments if they did not meet the requirement mastery of 80%. Students must attend working lunch or receive other remediation decided by the teacher before attempting a retake. Students will have 2 weeks after receiving feedback and can schedule a time during working lunch to complete or complete at home. Retakes will cover the same material, but will not be identical to the original test. The maximum retest score a student can earn is 80%.

Classroom Behavior Expectations:

Superior behavior is expected at all times with students understanding that they are responsible for their behavior and for the consequences that follow. Students must adhere to the expectations present within the classroom, as well as the school policies. Below are school expectations and Mrs. Blackwell’s expectations. Students are expected to model each of the following expectations:

Internet/Computer Expectations:

It is the student’s responsibility to complete online homework and assignments on time. If a student knows in advance that they are having computer/internet troubles at home, they must get a hard copy of the assignment before going home that day and will turn in the hard copy on the due date. If an internet or computer issue arises without prior notice, the parent must send a note or email to Mrs. Blackwell stating that there was an issue with internet or computer at home and student will receive 1 extra day to complete the assignment via computer or hard copy. If a note or email is not present, the assignment will be recorded as late and student will receive a signature.


I do not officially assign homework to students. All classwork is created to be done during class time. If a student does not use their time wisely in class, they will need to complete classwork at home. However, your child should spend some time throughout the week review Social Studies material to prepare for upcoming tests.

Bailey Middle School Behavior Program:

  1. Prepare for class.

Students will:

  • Come to class with the necessary supplies
  • Have homework completed on time
  1. Follow adult directions.
  • Students will comply with requests by teachers and other school personnel
  • Providing false information, cheating or forgery
  1. Respect others and property.

Students will:

  • Keep hands, feet, and other objects to themselves
  • Refrain from verbal, written, or physical disrespect to staff members
  • Refrain from verbal, written, or physical disrespect to students
  • Refrain from swearing or using derogatory language
  • Not damage or deface school or private property (minimal monetary loss)
  • Not chew gum anywhere in the building
  1. Avoid disruption of education.

Students will:

  • Refrain from disrupting the school environment (e.g., speaking out of turn in class)
  • Stay on task
  • Attend school and class on time (not be tardy)
  1. Be responsible with belongings.

Students will:

  • Leave classroom inappropriate items in lockers (e.g. hats, coats, baseball, cologne, etc.)
  • Eat and handle food appropriately in designated times and places
  • Carry the behavior sheet to all classes (including electives)
  • Dress appropriately for school
  • Provided all medications to the school nurse and properly stored
  • Adhere to BYOT rules and procedures with electronic devices
  1. Follow the safety rules and CMS Code of Conduct.

Students will refrain from exhibiting serious misbehavior such as the following:

  • Repeated noncompliance
  • Repeated intentional disruptions
  • Theft
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Possession/distribution of dangerous instruments, illegal substances, or medications
  • Aggressive behavior toward staff members or students
  • Verbal, written, or physical abuse or threats to staff members or students
  • Misuse of safety procedures (e.g. calling 911 or pulling the fire alarm inappropriately)
  • Vandalism-not damage or deface school or private property (major monetary loss)
  • Any violations of CMS yellow page rules, including cyberbullying