Late Work and Make Up Policy

Late Work:

All types of course work will be considered late if not completed and turned in by specified due date that was assigned. Students will automatically lose 10% equaling a 90% or a B after the first day late. The grade will continue to decrease daily by 10% points for a total of 5 class days. At this time, if the student has still not turned in a completed assignment he/she will receive a 50% or an F. After 10 days, if the student has not turned in the assignment, he/she will receive a zero and will not be able to make it up. Parent contact will be made after the student has three missing assignments resulting in a zero. If the student was not present in class on the due date because of an excused absence, full credit will be given for the completed work if turned in on return.

Procedures for student absence (Make Up Policy):

When a student is absent from class it is their responsibility upon returning to school to initiate contact with the teacher to obtain work missed. Students and parents may email the teacher to receive the assignments and assistance in catching up. Students will check the absent chart in the classroom and pick up missing work from the absent folder. If the student is missing notes, he/she will need to communicate with the teacher before or after class to arrange a time to receive the notes. Students will have 2 days for each day absent to turn in missed assignments. Students will receive up to an 80% for any assignment turned in after the two day grace period. Late assignment turned in after two calendar weeks will result in a zero.

Retake Policy:

If a student receives lower than an 80 on a formal assignment, the student has two weeks to retake the assignment. The student MUST communicate with the teacher to decide when to meet and receive extra help before retaking the test. Retakes will be online on Discovery Education for two weeks after the test date. Students will be allowed to take the retest after working one on one with the teacher. The student will be able to take it at home or at school and it is open notes. Students may only retake the test ONCE. The higher grade will be recorded in the grade book.