
"Coaching is the universal language of change and learning." -CNN


Coaching encompasses a continuous cycle of setting goals, learning, making observations, collecting growth data, and reflection. Some coaching cycles might on a specific tool or strategy that the teacher ("learner: for the sake of this site) wants to know be more familiar and comfortable using, while other coaching partnerships develop around a more in-depth focus on a specific growth goal (ore more than one). Regardless the type of cycle that you and the learner engage in, the ideal outcome is improved teaching and learning.

How are COACHING and MENTORING different?

What Coaching IS NOT

An instructional coach is not...

  • An additional administrator
  • Certainly not an evaluator.
  • The coach shouldn’t be expected to share any specifics about the coaching relationship other than the agreed upon goals of the coaching sessions as defined by the teacher and coach.
    • Although, if there are things occurring in the classroom that are blatant violations of school policies or general law, the coach would have an obligation as a mandatory reporter to bring that to the attention of the principal and/or others.

Coaching Resources


The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation- Elena Aguilar

Coaching Classroom Instruction- Robert Marzano and Julia Simms

Student Centered Coaching: The Moves- Dianne Sweeney

Instructional Coaching- Jim Knight


The Launch Pad, the official blog of TeachBoost with a Weekly Coaching Roundup

Coaching Tools from Elena Aguilar's Bright Morning Start website


Elena Aguilar // @artofcoaching1

Howard Pitler // @hpitler

Margaret Powers // @mpowers3

Robert J. Marzano // @robertjmarzano

McRel International // @McREL

Nathan Lang // @drlangraad

TeachBoost // @TeachBoost






