The English Corner

Welcome to the English Corner

Use the menu in the top-right corner to navigate the site and discover the many exciting English-language events and resources available to you at CMA. There's always something new happening and lots to talk about.

English Room Activities

Other Events

English Club


The English department is excited to announce the arrival of the following 4 new teachers. You can read their self-introductions in this term's upcoming CMA Post.

Ms. Prudence Hui

Mr. Jack Liu

Ms. Katherine Lok

Ms. Eileen Zhu

English Room Activities

Form 6 Speaking Tutorials

All Form 6 students complete speaking tutorials to help them prepare for their DSE examination and develop their overall speaking skills. Students complete both a group discussion and respond individually to a question from the teacher. Tutorials run from 7:50-8:05am and 8:20-8:35am. 

The timetable for the 7:50-8:05am practice for the 16 students in the mentoring scheme (and associated readings) is available here. For all other Form 6 students whose practice is at 8:20-8:35am, you can view your timetable and readings here. If you are a form 6 student and have any questions about your speaking tutorial then check with your English teacher.

Students preparing to start their group interaction

2 students from 6C after their DSE speaking exam

 Form 5 Speaking Tutorials

Form 5 speaking tutorials usually begin in March and continue until the end of the school year. They follow the same format as the Form 6 tutorials.

Form 6 Writing Tutorials

16 students in the Form 6 mentoring program attend a writing tutorial every week or second week. Usually held at lunchtime, these are fun, relaxed classes where students learn about the writing process as they enjoy their delicious school meals. While the focus is very much on preparing for the DSE examination, writing is a vital, lifelong skill. Everything your learn here can be applied later in life. Good writers are good communicators with empathy, perspective and self-awareness.

The timetable for this year's writing tutorials will be released shortly

Group photo of the final writing tutorial with the class of 2023-24.

 Recess and Lunchtime Activities

Every recess (10:20-10:45 am) and lunch time (12:30-1:30 pm) the English Room (R34) is open to students. Our friendly NET teacher, Mr. Webb, is there to answer any questions you have, put on a movie or help you choose one of the many games to play. If you want a quiet place to study and relax, then the English Room is a good choice. It's easy to find. Just go to the 3rd floor and look for the Sponge Bob door...

The door to the English Room

There's always something happening

Lots of books to read

Creativity knows no bounds

Monopoly is always popular

This looks like a cliffhanger

 Other Events

 NET Sharing

Every Friday morning assembly our NET teacher, Mr. Webb, talks to the school about a topic of interest. Often he is joined by some students. It's a great opportunity to listen to everyday, real-world English and to practice your speaking skills. If you are interested in helping Mr.Webb do a sharing, then you can find him in the English Room (R34).

If the weather is bad, then the sharing is read over the PA system

Miss Lo and a student from 2B during a morning sharing

Another entertaining and inspirational sharing

Regional Competitions

In addition to the Hong Kong Speech Festival, which many CMA students enter each year, there are a lot of other competitions where you can challenge yourself. 

Ritika Singh from 2A, for example, proudly represented the school in the 21st Century Cup English Speaking Competition - the oldest and most prestigeous English speaking competition in China with thousands of entrants each year. Ritika wrote and performed an entertaining and inspiring speech that enabled her to progress all the way to the semi-final round.

If you are interested in joining any competition, whether it's speaking, writing or something else, then please talk to your English teacher. 

Ritika giving her speech from the 21st Century Cup English Speaking Competition to the school assembly

 CMA Post

Published at the end of each term, the CMA Post is the English Department newspaper by, and for, YOU (our students). It has photos of all the exciting things students have done during the year, examples of students' amazing writing, puzzles and so much more. Check it out!

CMA Post (Term 1) 2023-24

CMA Post_V2.pdf

CMA Post (Term 2) 2023-24

 English Club

What is English Club?

English club is a fun way to pursue your passion, take up a new hobby and improve your English at the same time. Each year we have different clubs. So no matter what your interest, there's always something for you. Below are some examples of the club activities that we have run.

 Film Appreciation

In this workshop students are exposed to a variety of genres, such as animation, drama, and comedy. They learn how to distinguish different features of a film and explore their preferences in a relaxing, supportive environment.

Students learn about the film

Time to kick back

Lights out. Where's the popcorn?


The Reading Club provides a relaxing time for students to read and speak, discussing books with other students, which improves their confidence, vocabulary and knowledge. 

What's the book about?

Sharing ideas with other students

Looks like a tough one!

 Board Games

If you enjoy Scrabble, Monopoly, Chess or just beating your friends at a good game, then this is the club for you. There's always a new game to try and someone to help you understand how to play it. Let's see who is the champion.

Think carefully, Michael

Battle Royale! It's Ritika vs. Roy

Hells bells! All the gang are here!


Singing is a great way to improve your English. Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Christmas carols, K-pop, Western pop songs... We've got 'em all!

Come on in!

A CMA crooner hits the high notes

Next stop... K-Pop

 Happy Kitchen

If you're a foodie then this is the one for you. Desserts and snacks are old favourites. But you'd better be quick. This club is very popular and fills up faster than an all-you-can-eat buffet! Get stuck in!

Looks delicious

With Miss Lo there's always something cooking

And now for the best part...

 Handicraft Club

Unleash your creative potention with Mr. Yung. If you like making things and expressing yourself through art, then this is the place for you. Who knows? You could be the next Picasso!

This looks like almost too much fun

Carson is hard at work

Look what we made!